I had fried rice yesterday as my breakfast, paired with scrambled egg mixed with tomato, onion, and garlic. I usually have a coffee in the morning, but I already stopped drinking coffee (not completely, shhh) because according to my research, coffee can contribute to a postnasal drip, which I hated the most. I am actually avoiding a lot of foods since my surgery.
I promised myself that I would avoid the foods that can contribute to sinus issues or inflammation. I don't really want any nasal polyp to grow inside my nose again. So I'm trying to start healthy living, but it is so hard. Living a healthy lifestyle can be costly too. And oftentimes, I had a hard time avoiding the foods that I should avoid because, one, food is life ( ꈍᴗꈍ).
See that? It's hard to completely avoid those foods that taste really good. But this is my last sip of coffee. I just drank all the sachets of coffee I had last week, and I don't have the plan to buy another sachet again, for now. I can't still promise that I will not drink it, but, at least I can control my coffee intake or the other foods that I'm trying to avoid.
This is a hot pandesal I had this morning, it has chocolate spread, and chocolate is also that one good sweet that I have to avoid. But I can't do it yet because we still have a jar of chocolate spread in the fridge. But once everything's gone, I'll stop eating it again, and who knows when I'll have it again? Well, it's not like I'm wishing to have more of it, lol. That chocolate spread is actually the one I bought in Lipa as a pasalubong for the oldies. I should've chosen a different kind of sandwich spread, but then again, everything is really not good for me - cheese is a no-no too, so is mayo, and I think peanut butter is not good too. See, everything's bad for me, what the fudge, huhu.
What's life without these good foods, no?
Oopssssssie ミ●﹏☉ミ
But, I think I can still say that I have just the right eating habit. I gave in to some unhealthy foods like junk foods for snacks, but not all the time. I also eat vegetables - different kind, and I eat meat, from pork and chicken to fish. I think mine is just balanced. Though I still need to work on it to make it healthier. When we eat, we make sure that we have vegetables on the table together with the main dish.
We rarely make homecooked vegetable dishes nowadays, we actually just buy vegetable dishes in a restaurant near our home. It's wiser rather than cooking it ourselves. But, today is an exception. I bought these sweet potato leaves yesterday with Mama at the market during Tiangge-an day. They are really fresh, I actually bought two of these. We ate the other one yesterday.
I also bought two pieces of tomato, as you can see, they are not ripe yet. But I prefer this, I don't really like the taste of ripe tomato. And this is just a small one, but this one costs 6 pesos. A kilo of tomatoes in our place is 140 pesos ($2.39) right now, not sure why it is so expensive. How about in your place?
After getting all the leaves, I just soaked it in water with salt for 5 minutes. After cleaning it thoroughly, I just boiled it with water and salt. I boiled it until the leaves softened a bit. And that's it. This is the healthiest vegetable dish I could prep, my self-care recipe. No other seasonings but just salt. And here's the tomato I cut into small pieces. This is included in this recipe, it's not complete without this.
And done! The sweet potato leaves have salt already, so I didn't put anything into it. But you can put a little salt and calamansi or lime in it if you want. It will taste even better with that. That's what the oldies did, but as for me, I didn't put anything on it. While I just put a pinch of salt on my tomato. It's fresh and raw, thanks to that, it has that crunch effect, and I'm not sure if it's just me, but tomatoes taste even better with that crunch. I love it so much. Hehe.
And you can see another dish on my plate, that's actually corned tuna and pork adobo. I bought the adobo in the restaurant while Mommy D got the can of tuna in her store. And with that, we all had an amazing lunch set - a not-so-healthy one (ꈍᴗꈍ).
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