How it started...
I never drank energy drinks up until 4 years ago. 4 years ago, I moved far up north from the city to the middle of nowhere. I felt lost and would try things to catch a buzz and feel something different. The first time I tried redbull was like an eruption of energy I hadn't felt in a long time. Thus, a toxic love story emerged.
Since I moved back to the city and stopped drinking alcohol its gotten to the point of drinking up to 6 full cans a day and sometimes more. Unable to focus or have any kind of appetite, I realized this has become an addiction just as bad and risky as my drinking had once been.
And then the break up...
Today, I am drinking much less since I did some research into how I should stop drinking energy drinks. As I've dealt with addiction before, I know that withdrawal can be dangerous if not handled properly. It's said caffiene and sugar should be removed slowly.
This has been me during the withdrawal, though -
The headaches, bodyaches, and mood swings are absolutely terrible, but I know I have to go through this to achieve the lifestyle I want. Positive and productive.
Time to get back to being -
P.s. Thank you to the picsart app for the AI generated images.