Be so passionate about improving your own life that you don't have time to hate, judge, criticize, argue, and gossip about others| Happy International women's day

in #hive-1244523 years ago

(Feminism is a view or an opinion, it is not a long list of women issues- happy woman's day)


Dear friends,
How are you all? I hope you all are fine and taking care of yourselves.

Dear friends,
How are you all? I hope you all are fine and taking care of yourselves.

Yesterday whole world celebrated women's day, and being a woman, I want to show my regards to every woman in this universe.

It is not just for one day, but we should show our gratitude every day towards a woman.

Almighty created women and provided them a chance to birth children;
and for that reason, we got a precious relation in our life called mother.

Today I am here with a thought that I realised when I went through the hardest situations in my life.

We all know that only difficult time teaches us the best lessons of life.

No one cares whether we are getting food, clothes, and shelter or not;
We have to understand our own complications.
No one bothers about our hardships.

So learn to love yourself first; live the life you love to live.


(Do not stop flying until you reach your destination- always be creative)


There is nothing called tomorrow;
so try to live, enjoy every second of your life, and do what makes you feel happy, but make sure your enjoyment does not hurt anyone.

If we want to pass difficult moments, then the first thing we must do to make ourselves busy;
with some creative works.

That not only makes us active physically; but also helps us keep engaged mentally.

There is a famous proverb we all know;
The empty brain is the devil's den.

Self-improving is a process that we should follow entire life.
Lastly, I would say Be so passionate about improving your own life that you don't have time to hate, judge, criticize, argue, and gossip about others.

That was the thought of the day. Respect every woman like you respect your mother because the earth we live, also known as the motherland. The definition of a civilized society is when we learn to give respect.

Thank you for reading and supporting my content. Please keep continuing your visit and support.
Stay blessed and healthy. Happy International women's day.

