💐 {12/10/24} ✦ 🌸 LOH #206 🌸 Childhood memories, tears for unsweetened coffee and “I don't want to be Joan of Arc anymore” ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in #hive-12445210 days ago


✦ Anecdotes about venezuela's landscapes (I found some things that I got on those trips! You can see them as protagonists on today's cover), forced austerity and self-care ('. • ω •.`) ♡ - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, Snow, Remini, photos by @Tesmoforia

🇪🇸 ~ ¡Feliz fin de semana para todas! 🌷 ✨ Espero se encuentren súper bien mis estimadas damas de la comunidad más rosa y femenina de la Blockchain 💅

Siempre es un gusto leerlas y por fin después de unos días muy ocupada puedo sentarme a apreciar las preguntas del concurso de esta semana, me sorprendió que fueron 3 😳

Sé que puedo escoger solo 1 pero para sacarme el polvo de las manos y porque me siento sentimental hoy quiero responder las 3 como ejercicio de escritura y memoria.

🇺🇸 ~ Happy weekend to you all! 🌷 ✨ Hope you are doing super well my dear ladies of the pinkest and most feminine Blockchain community 💅

It's always a pleasure to read you all and finally after a busy few days I can sit back and appreciate this week's contest questions, I was surprised that there were 3 😳

I know I can pick only 1 but to get the dust off my hands and because I'm feeling sentimental today I want to answer all 3 as a writing and memory exercise.

✦ I can't get photos with the colors of my memories but for now this works ✦

✦ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 ✦

✦ 1️⃣ What travel destination has impacted you the most, and why? ✦

Hasta ahora en mi vida he tenido la oportunidad de viajar tanto dentro como fuera de mi país. Uno pensaría que los viajes que dejan huella más profunda en ti son los viajes al extranjero pero yo difiero.

Venezuela tiene ciudades y pueblos mágicos, y aunque todo viaje en mi opinion es bonito, el viaje que recuerdo con más afecto son todos los que en familia recorrimos por el páramo Venezolano, viajes de muchas horas en auto a través de montañas muy verdes, a veces bosque, a veces solo paredes de musgo y pequeñas cascadas de agua... y a veces, paisajes de montañas forradas de siembras de todos los colores, visión espectacular e infinita de multitud de tonalidades verdes donde todo huele fresco, a tierra, pinos y lluvia.

En ese tiempo me impactó lo diferente que era todo de la ciudad, el páramo venezolano parece sacado de la postal mas espectacular que jamás hayas visto.

Al pie de las montañas cuando llegas a las zonas agricultoras vez como bajan los camiones llenos de verdura, cómo las apilan y limpian con agua, y puedes comprarle directamente a los agricultores sus productos.

El páramo te saca todos los males, lo recuerdo como entrar a un mundo de hadas, es como ir al mar, cuando vas no vuelves a ser el mismo y si estas enfermo, al regresar ya no te duele nada.

So far in my life I have had the opportunity to travel both inside and outside my country. You would think that the trips that leave the deepest impression on you are the trips abroad but I beg to differ.

Venezuela has magical cities and towns, and although every trip in my opinion is beautiful, the trip that I remember most fondly are all those that with my family we traveled through the Venezuelan páramo, trips of many hours by car through very green mountains, sometimes forest, sometimes only moss walls and small waterfalls... and sometimes, landscapes of mountains lined with crops of all colors, spectacular and infinite view of a multitude of shades of green where everything smells fresh, earthy, pine trees and rain.

At that time I was struck by how different everything was from the city, the Venezuelan páramo looks like something out of the most spectacular postcard you have ever seen.

At the foot of the mountains when you get to the farming areas you see how they bring down the trucks full of vegetables, how they pile them up and clean them with water, and you can buy directly from the farmers their products.

The páramo takes away all your ills, I remember it like entering a fairy world, it is like going to the sea, when you go you are never the same and if you are sick, when you come back nothing hurts anymore.

✦ How do you value water if you have never been thirsty? ✦

✦ 2️⃣ Can you share a time when you turned a difficult situation into a valuable life lesson? ✦

Oh, la austeridad forzada. La crisis económica. La escases de alimentos. Mi familia esta llena de personas trabajadoras así que aunque no tenemos grandes riquezas materiales, digamos que la estabilidad en muchos aspectos de la vida estaba asegurada.

Pero hay cosas que no puedes controlar, como la falta de abastecimiento de productos en el mercado. Hace unos años no se conseguía azucar en mi ciudad, y mucho menos azucar morena o azucar especial para personas que sufren de diabetes.

En la vida me imaginé yo que llegaría el día donde faltara un poquito de azúcar para el café o que el arroz multiplicara varias veces su precio en pocos meses (un año especialmente malo donde pasó de costar 0.13 $ a 1.10 $ el más barato).

Ese mismo año tambien ocurrió una gran escases de agua, y las recargas para los tanques de agua subterráneos tenían un costo de 30$ aproximadamente, y sin garantía que el agua fuera potable. Mucha gente se enfermó por eso.

Una vez en ese año simplemente no había ni agua para tomar, y los vecinos que tenían no la compartían (creo que quede tan traumada de que una vecina nos negara un vaso de agua que siempre lo tendre grabado en la memoria).

Creo que estoy omitiendo muchas cosas mucho mas tristes pero de todo, aquí encontré una valiosa lección de vida que de otra manera no hubiera podido aprender:

A valorar más las bendiciones que tenemos, que nada es pequeño, una cucharada de azúcar puede iluminar el día de una familia, y un balde de agua puede ser un milagro para una mamá que no ha podido lavarle las manos a sus hijos en días.

Crees que esas cosas pasan solamente en paises remotos y subdesarrollados, muy lejos de ti, en paises pobres, pero no, aun viviendo en un pais "rico", estas cosas pueden suceder.

Es algo que simplemente no vas a entender si te lo explican. Lo tienes que vivir tu misma.

Aprendí a valorar más todo, a no desperdiciar nada. Ahora el agua la reciclo todo lo que puedo y el arroz... bueno, digamos que nunca he vuelto a verlo de la misma manera. Simplemente ahora me parece demasiado valioso y no permito que nada se desperdicie en casa "aunque me sobre y tenga 5 kilos mas en la alacena".

Oh, forced austerity. The economic crisis. The food shortage. My family is full of hardworking people so even though we don't have great material wealth, let's say stability in many aspects of life was assured.

But there are things you can't control, like the lack of supply of products in the market. A few years ago there was no sugar in my city, much less brown sugar or special sugar for people suffering from diabetes.

I never imagined that the day would come when there would be a shortage of sugar for coffee or that rice would multiply several times its price in a few months (a particularly bad year when it went from costing 0.13 $ to 1.10 $ the cheapest).

That same year there was also a huge water shortage, and refills for the subway water tanks cost about $30, with no guarantee that the water was safe to drink.

Once that year there was simply no water to drink, and the neighbors who had water would not share it (I think I was so traumatized by a neighbor denying us a glass of water that I will always remember it).

I think I'm leaving out a lot of much sadder things but all in all, I found a valuable life lesson here that I would not have been able to learn otherwise:

To value more the blessings we have, for nothing is small, a spoonful of sugar can brighten a family's day, and a bucket of water can be a miracle for a mother who hasn't been able to wash her children's hands in days.

You think that these things happen only in remote and underdeveloped countries, far away from you, in poor countries, but no, even living in a “rich” country, these things can happen.

It's something you simply won't understand if it's explained to you. You have to live it yourself.

I learned to value everything more, not to waste anything. Now I recycle water as much as I can and rice... well, let's just say I've never looked at it the same way again. It simply seems too valuable to me now and I don't allow anything to go to waste at home “even if I have 5 kg more in the cupboard”.

✦ Accepting that you can't save everyone doesn't make you a bad person ✦

✦ 3️⃣ How do you create balance between giving to others and prioritizing your own needs? ✦

Ese balance nace de la necesidad, cuando reconoces que necesitas ese balance si quieres vivir saludablemente. Por ejemplo, las personas que no te quieren, no te van a tratar mejor ni te amaran "si te esfuerzas más"; debes dar amor sin esperar nada a cambio pero la reciprocidad en el respeto y la consideración a tus sentimientos es un "no negociable".

He logrado ese balance después de muchos golpes y desaciertos, y de todo eso he concluido que: No ayudes a quien no te lo pide, no te entrometas en los problemas de los demás, no es tu obligación ni responsabilidad sanar los vicios de otras personas.

Hacer lo contrario te colocara en situaciones difíciles donde siempre saldrás perjudicada de una u otra manera.

Las otras personas son importantes pero el complejo de "Juana de Arco" y aunque seas sincera en tus intenciones de ayudar, solo te traerá desdicha y mucho desgaste emocional, financiero, sentimental y físico.

Siempre valdrá la pena luchar por la justicia pero hasta en esa misión hay que reconocer tus límites y saber cuándo retirarte. No toda persona necesita ayuda y aprenderás eso con los años, algunos solo quieren ser el centro de atención y las mujeres somos seres valientes y protectores por naturaleza, nunca faltará el que quiera aprovecharse de eso.

That balance is born out of necessity, when you recognize that you need that balance if you want to live healthily. For example, people who do not love you, will not treat you better or love you “if you try harder”; you must give love without expecting anything in return but reciprocity in respect and consideration for your feelings is a “non-negotiable".

I have achieved that balance after many hits and misses, and from all that I have concluded that: Do not help those who do not ask you to help them, do not meddle in the problems of others, it is not your obligation or responsibility to heal other people's vices.

To do otherwise will put you in difficult situations where you will always get hurt in one way or another.

Other people are important but the “Joan of Arc” complex and even if you are sincere in your intentions to help, will only bring you unhappiness and a lot of emotional, financial, sentimental and physical wear and tear.

It will always be worth fighting for justice but even in that mission you have to recognize your limits and know when to back off. Not everyone needs help and you will learn that over the years, some just want to be the center of attention and women are brave and protective beings by nature, there will always be someone who wants to take advantage of that.

✦ Join this community and give yourself the opportunity to meet all the wonderful people who make up this digital home ✦

Ésta es mi participación para el Ladies of Hive Community Contest #206 y les deseo mucha suerte a todas; las preguntas de esta semana me han encantado ('. • ᵕ •.`) ♡

This is my entry for the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #206 and I wish you all the best of luck; I loved this week's questions (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

✨ 💙 Follow me on Hive and Instagram for more original content! 💙 ✨


✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Smartphone 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

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You think these things happen only in remote, underdeveloped countries, far away from you, in poor countries, but no, even living in a “rich” country, these things can happen.

I believe that my country is fast heading into a terrible economic crisis soon, Canada now has about 4 million people that cannot afford enough food to live in reasonable health. And that number is growing fast. I may be housing a friend that could no longer afford renting an apartment anymore.

I didn't know Canada's situation was going that way. I am truly sorry, Canada is a beautiful place and always referenced as being the nicest people in the world, you do not deserve to go through hard times. Why is this happening? Inflation? High taxes?

4 million people is a lot, it's a big number... it hurts me to know that. I sincerely hope that things will stabilize soon and the situation will not get worse. I hope you and your friend are well and safe 🫂 🙏

(oh no ; _ ; there were many mistakes in the translation of the second answer, there were many untranslated or repeated pieces. I'm so sorry! It's fixed now 🫶)

I read many posts how beautiful and blessed Venezuela really is despite the economic and governmental problems. Most of all I am impressed with the resourcefulness, compassion and resilience of our Venezuelan members in Ladies of Hive and I learned much from their experience. And our Nigerian ladies as well.

I have been preparing my family for this coming crisis for years because I can see it coming ahead of time. I hope I can demonstrate the same qualities when it happens.

It's caused by the same things; Governmental corruption and incompetency, high inflation, high cost of living, and high taxes. Many refugees and immigrants that come to Canada leave after a year or two citing it was too expensive living here.
It will be difficult but I will be prepared. ❤️

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