Hello everyone, especially to the wonderful ladies of this community. Its volleyren20. It is my very first time to post a blog in here and to join a prompt initiated by this community as well. Actually, I was invited by a friend in the previous prompts but unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish the draft before the deadline came. I was a bit anxious about it. I wasted my chance to join in because of my hectic schedules in attending my personal affairs. Anyways, enough with that, we don't have any other choice but to proceed to the next. So, here I am today, will try to give my best I can to share my thoughts about the topics being presented to us by the community. I go on choosing the second one because I am not into topics which includes ghost or anything in relations with horrors. I am a scaredy cat. Lol.
[screenshot from Ladies on Hive post]
A while ago, as I go on scrolling and reading some of the blog entries, they mostly chose the second one too. This may not be as far as what they or you have discussed in yours or theirs but let me share with you my personal thoughts about the topic "Important Rules when going on a Date." I will specifically intending these to the Ladies out there.
Be who and what you are.
- For all we know, getting to know each other is really the first step of everything when it comes to dating. For me, its very important to let them (your date) know the TRUE and REAL you. We don't have to pretend in front of them because if we do that in the very first stage, it will just get us into trouble in the next. (I bet you get my point.) Be proud of who and what you are. If he gets turned off, well, probably he is not the right one to begin with. "Honesty," that's what I am trying to emphasize in here.
Be simple yet elegant.
- Physical appearance is a real deal too when it comes to dating. The way we dress ourselves, the way bring ourselves in front of the people and of course, our date. You don't need to wear expensive clothes and jewelries or wear too much make-up just to impress the opposite sex. Like what a common saying says, "Simplicity is Beauty." Act natural. Be natural. A face with less make-up will reveal the true beauty within you. So, be it!
Let your date earn your Trust.
- Please be careful when it comes to sharing of secrets or anything confidential about your life especially when you just knew the person. Let him win your heart and earn your trust. As for me, I still prefer to keep it to myself and just decide weather to share it to him or not in the future. Trust is one of the foundations of building a strong relationship, whatever kind it may.
Enjoy the moment.
- Another common sayings stating that, "You only live once," and "Live life as if its the last Day." Try to seize the moment. Take away the gadgets for a while and just think that you two are the only people. Throw at some jokes, but not to the extent that it will offend your date or something personal. Shake it off and have some sense of humor girl! (winked)
And the last one...
- I don't need to discuss further about it. I know, you've got an idea already on what and how to pray.
Ending Thoughts:
I am not an expert when it comes to this actually. When we talk about dating through eating or going outside, I don't do that because my partner is far away from me. So, we only date through video calls and chats.
Well, I guess dating is not just about that common things, its more on about how will you build a stronger connection.
I don't have much to say now, so I think I should end my blog then. Before I forgot, I would like to thank @yen1503 for inviting me to join this prompt. "Thank you Ms. Yen." I really enjoyed it though I was kind of sleepy while typing the draft. (Laughing)
Thank you everyone. Take care as always🤗
<Date Published: 11-09-2022>
<Author: volleyren20>