Bad days are something we can outrun as humans we are. It's inevitable. I believe even kids these days experience it. But as humans, we all have that thing we do to get ourselves off those bad days.
For me, I think the only thing I do to get myself off a bad day is to watch movies.
I believe in our last contest where we were asked to mention our best weekend movies I made sure I made mention of how I truly loved movies. They are my Saviour on bad days, especially in the movie FRIENDS. I can watch that series all day without getting tired. It makes me laugh and forget my worries.
So, on a bad day, please just play my favourite movie for me. FRIENDS.
That aside, another way I deal with bad days is spending it with friends or talking to someone about it. I have crazy friends; there's no bad moments around them. So they are my bad mood killers and also advise me on how to handle an issue if my bad days have something bothering me.
The last one is snacks. Yes, please, buy me chips, chin chin, snacks, anything at all to chew on as long as it's not food but a snack. Let me munch on something. It's magical to me, it helps calm my nerves.