Participación en el concurso #95 de la comunidad Ladies on Hive [ESP/ENG]

in #hive-1244522 years ago

Greetings to my beautiful community of ladies, I have decided to join you in this Ladies of Hive Community Contest #95, the truth is that I have not participated in any initiative before, but this time the topics to be discussed caught my attention and here I am.
Un saludo para mi hermosa comunidad de damas, he decidido unirme a ustedes a este Ladies of Hive Community Contest #95, la verdad no he participado en alguna iniciativa antes, pero en está ocasión me llamó la atención los temas a tratar y aquí estoy.


What good is the first question says the following:

We all have a different boiling point, some of us are easily angered, some of us have a very cold temper. Kindly share one thing that makes you angry, how long you stay angry, and what or who can pacify you.

To begin with, I must say that I consider myself a person who can really irritate everything, my personality is quite strong in that part. Since I was little they told me that the people who laugh the most, get the angriest, and how right they were.

But even though it is knowing what bothers me the most, it is that they lie to me, it could last whole days or hours, it all depends on what happens, but something that without hesitation bothers me, is when they comment, do or hurt my mother, I remember that When I was 12 years old, they took me to the office because I got into a fight with a girl who spoke badly about my mother. If you ask me how long this annoyance lasted, well, until today's sun, we didn't even look at each other in the street, they've passed 7 years. Nowadays few people do it and it depends on the seriousness and the person, of course if what he says hurts me or not, I react just as impulsively and aggressively.

Seeing it in some way, a "standard" time that I lasted annoyed, is from half a day to a week, it all depends on the reason. For example, if it is with my partner, from some discussion, they only vary up to three days, and what calms me down in situations of stress and anger is dancing, writing, singing, listening to music, laughing with my mom. And one that does not look, for the strongest and most painful discomfort, meditate.

Lo que bien es la primera pregunta dice lo siguiente:

Todos tenemos un punto de ebullición diferente, algunos de nosotros nos enojamos fácilmente, otros tenemos un temperamento muy frío. Comparta amablemente una cosa que lo enoja, cuánto tiempo permanece enojado y qué o quién puede pacificarlo.

Para comenzar, debo decir que me considero un persona que realmente puede llegar a irritarle todo, mi personalidad es bastante fuerte en esa parte. Desde pequeña me decían que las personas que más ríen, más se enojan, y cuanta razón tenían.

Pero si bien es saber que me molesta más, es que me mientan, podría durar días enteros u horas, todo depende de lo que pase, pero algo que sin dudarlo me molesta, es cuando comentan, hacen o lastiman a mi mamá, recuerdo que a mis 12 años me llevaron a dirección porque me pelee a golpes con una niña que habló mal de mi mama, si me preguntan por el tiempo de duración de esa molestia, pues hasta el sol de hoy ni nos miramos en la calle, han pasado 7 años. En la actualidad pocas personas lo hacen y depende de la gravedad y de la persona, por supuesto si me lastima lo que dice o no, reacciono igual de forma impulsiva y agresiva.

Viéndolo de alguna manera, un tiempo "estándar" que yo duré molesta, son de medio día a una semana, todo depende de la razón. Por ejemplo, si es con mi pareja, de alguna discusión, varían solo hasta tres días, y lo que me calma en situaciones de estrés y enojo, es bailar, escribir, cantar, escuchar música, reír con mi mamá. Y una que no facha, para las molestias más fuertes y dolorosas, meditar.


The years have passed, and I have not changed as much as I would like, I am still volatile, I do not like many things and I try to mediate with them, although I spend most of the time fighting. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to take control of my emotions, especially anger, so I choose to stay away from people because I don't know what I can say or do that I can't remedy, so when someone tries to approach me in those circumstances I get type:

Los años han pasado, y no he cambiado tanto como quisiera, sigo siendo volátil, no me gustan muchas cosas y trato de mediar con ellas, aunque me la pase peleando la mayoría del tiempo. En ocasiones se me hace muy difícil tomar el control de mis emociones, sobre todo el de la ira, así que opto por alejarme de la personas porqué no sé que pueda decir o hacer que no pueda remediar, entonces cuando alguien se me intenta acercar en esas circunstancias me pongo tipo:


The second question is:

What is your favorite snack or snacks? Share photos of them if you can

Wow, I like so many things. But, without hesitation, one of my favorites is the toston, I really like it, whether it's banana or banana. Sometimes I think that eating it is therapeutic, when I have a lot of anxiety I usually eat and eat toston. Another is white chocolate, it's my favorite, every time I have a chance I eat some, they fill me with energy.

La segunda pregunta es:

¿Cuál es tu snack o snacks favoritos? Comparte fotos de ellos si puedes

Vaya, me gustan tantas cosas. Pero, sin dudarlos uno de mis favoritos es el tostón me gusta mucho, ya sea de cambur o de platano. A veces creo que comerlo es terapéutico, cuando tengo mucha ansiedad suelo comer y comer tostón. Otro es el chocolate blanco, es mi favorito, cada vez que tengo oportunidad me como alguno me llenan de energía.

Contenido: Original de @zpnohad para Ladies of Hive Community Contest #95
Traductor: Translate Google

Content: Original by @zpnohad for Ladies of Hive Community Contest #95
Translator: Translate Google


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Your article was upvote by @minnowsupport !

I am glad to read that you are working on your anger issues by meditation and other methods. Staying angry for long is not healthy :)

And your snack choices are interesting. I could eat some banana chips once in a while :)

Thank you for your participation. I wish you a lovely weekend

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Hello @ifarmgirl, if meditation helps me a lot, more in situations of greater tension. As for my favorite snacks, yes. I am a big fan of toston, it is my favourite, number one.

That is great to know Adriana, I bet meditation calms the soul :) Thank you again for your story. I've learned a lot from all of you this whole week :)

It really calms me down a lot, body, mind and soul, for me it is a pleasure to participate with you and this beautiful community, thanks to you for having me! A hug!

Good to know it does :) Thank you too and have a beautiful day to you.

Hello @zpnohad !
Welcome to Ladies of Hive.
I hope you will enjoy your stay with us!
Toston... is that banana chips?

Hello @silversaver888 Thanks for the welcome. It is really nice to work with you. If toston are plantain chips, they are very delicious.