The Drafts.

in #hive-125125last month


With no ounce of strength in me to write something today, I set myself on a path of looking for saved drafts. I know I have a few of them stacked up somewhere

"Hmm, where are they?" My mind asked, and well, I rolled my eyes at it because it should know, right?

Seems I am mistaken because at the end of the day, nothing was found even when I know deep inside that I have posts drafted halfly maybe, but the point is that I have the drafts. However, after almost forgotten minutes of searching, I... I... found... Well, forgive me for keeping you waiting, but because it is strange, I couldn't help it.

Oh, yeah, the draft. If you believe in magic or wish, maybe a fairytale of some kind, then you'll surely believe what I am about to say because it is the opposite of what you know or believe in. As it stands, I couldn't find any drafted post, and that hurts my pride because it now seems my memory isn't stable and that... I find it rather amusing than offensive.

No, you don't have to reread your sentences because you read right. The thing is, if you get to live or be a citizen of a country like mine, there's so much you'll find amusing because your sense of getting offended is drained to the last liquid so... amusement it is.

Speaking on the draft, as I was saying, I couldn't find it, and now, I am left with no other choice than to stare at my keyboard and start writing something and... Trust me, for a very long minute, I did write until...

"Bam! Bam! Bam!" With my phone sliding off my hands like some anime character saying well, ”you are on your own miss”, I was left all alone with my mouth hanging open figuratively as I awaited the next sound.

Hmm, it felt like it wasn't the sound of a gun, and I might have exaggerated a little bit. Okay, maybe not... Alright, fine! I made that up. I live in a place filled with silence, and I love it. And you, yes! You may not understand because you may have never been blessed like me.

Phew! I can't believe it. Having something to boast of? I never thought that day would come. And, here it is smiling at me. Well, I suppose I need to be glad. The drafts I had which cannot be found may be because I was in a hurry that you probably didn't read the part or maybe it is just fate wanting me to bring a little part of my shenanigans out here to publish.

I don't know if I should post this... who am I kidding? I am giving it a push out, so you'd probably read it or not depending on the kind of person you are. But if you really did read, don't ever give me that face of, "Oh, I once read one of her posts, which she titled the draft."

No! Don't do that. Not for me but for you because I don't want you to live a boastful life. Trust me at your peril when I say, "I am not jealous at all because you know, I boasted of something in my post, but I just don't want you riding the wrong back too. Let me ride alone, I beseech you."

Just like a famous philosopher or something said... Well, he said, "Anyone who is boastful will become something which I have forgotten," but I am sure there is something bad, so watch out. I mean it(oh, please😆).

So, I was going to drop just one song to end this post. However, here's music for you titled Brag and Boast.

But, I don't want it to be like I intentionally put it there to brag and boast, so I decided to go for one of my favorite songs by Beyonce.

Oh, and yes! Before I go, I know some of you that's if anyone gets to read this, you may just look at the picture used and be like, "How does it fit in with her post?" Well, I wouldn't want to say you should mind your business because I am not someone like that. Instead, I'll tell you why. You see, the truth is that I just love her face and her suit for some unknown reason. Well, seeing them makes me smile. So yeah, we go.

Gracias to you too, amigos.

Image-Source and videos from #YouTube

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


Honestly this country can make someone lose memory and even start assuming what has never existed, but the good thing is that you later came up with something good.


😅😅😅 what has never existed? 🤣🤣🤣 okay, but I do know they exist anyway.

Well, that's good.