Ecency Discord Topic 44: 9 WEEKS

in #hive-1251252 years ago

( EN / DE ) Starting today, we have 9 weeks left in this year of 2022 and maybe it's time to do a little reflection to see if you've accomplished your goals from the beginning of the year yet?
Beginnend mit dem heutigen Tag haben wir noch 9 Wochen in diesem Jahr 2022 und vielleicht ist es Zeit, sich ein wenig Gedanken zu machen, ob ihr eure Ziele vom Jahresbeginn schon erreicht habt?


>>> 9 WEEKS / 9 WOCHEN

At least, still 9 weeks left, maybe you can still quickly.... or rather wait until next New Year to set a goal again?
So this weeks posting topic is all about goals, achieving or failing, reorientation and anything else you can think of on this topic!

Immherin, noch 9 Wochen übrig, vielleicht lässt sich da noch schnell.... oder doch lieber gleich bis zum nächsten Neujahr warten, um sich wieder ein Ziel zu setzen?
In diesem Posting Thema geht also um Ziele, ums Erreichen oder ums Versagen, Neuorientierung und alles andere, was euch zu diesem Thema einfällt!

You know, as always with our topics, it's up to you how you approach them. Your general thoughts, or write a story, maybe take some nice photos or whatever comes to your mind.
Wie immer bei unseren Themen bleibt es euch überlassen, wie ihr euch dem Begriff nähert. Eure allgemeinen Gedanken oder eine Geschichte schreibt, vielleicht ein paar schöne Fotos macht oder was auch immer euch dazu einfällt.


  • Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic is open for everyone on chain! No need to be an ecency discord member, no need to use ecency to post, no need to post into Ecency Community. Ecency Discord's wöchentliches Posting Thema ist offen für jeden auf der blockchain! Ihr müsst kein Ecency Discord Mitglied sein, ihr müsst Ecency nicht benutzen um zu posten, ihr müsst nicht in der Ecency Community posten.

  • Use TWO TAGS: #edtopic AND #ecencydiscord

  • Write at least 200 words, take your time to make a good content post out of the topic Schreibe mindestens 200 Wörter, nimm dir Zeit, um einen guten Beitrag aus dem Thema zu machen

  • At the moment we welcome "only english" or "only german" written posts. Other laguages in bilingual posts welcome, as long as one of the languages is English.
    Zurzeit sind Posts zum edtopic auf "nur deutsch", "nur englisch" oder bilingual (eine der Sprachen englisch) möglich.

  • No need to mention that it should be your own content! Unnötig zu erwähnen, dass es dein eigener Inhalt sein soll, oder?

Why use those tags? Because you are free to post in any community you choose and so we can find your postings with the tags, second, because we want our Discord members to interact more with each other on chain as well, and this is a possibility to find each other and leaving a nice comment.
#edtopic is reserved for the weekly posting topics only, but #ecencydiscord can be used, whenever you want.

Warum diese Tags? Zum einen, weil es euch freisteht, in jeder beliebigen Community zu posten, und wir so eure Beiträge über die Tags finden können, zum anderen, weil wir wollen, dass unsere Discord-Mitglieder auch on chain mehr miteinander interagieren, und dies ist eine Möglichkeit, sich gegenseitig zu finden und einen netten Kommentar zu hinterlassen.
#edtopic ist nur für die wöchentlichen Posting-Themen reserviert, aber #ecencydiscord kann verwendet werden, wann immer ihr wollt.


I guess last week's theme "What if you'd live a 1000 years" was a bit challenging? Because there were only 6 participants, but these all very interesting. It is always fascinating from what different angles you can see a topic.**
Das Thema der letzten Woche "What if you'd live a 1000 years" war wohl etwas herausfordernd? Denn es gab nur 6 Teilnehmer, aber diese alle wirklich sehr interessant. Es ist immer wieder faszinierend, aus welch verschiedenen Blickwinkeln man ein Thema sehen kann.
50 Ecency ecency points go to each of you:

The 1000-Year-Old Messenger by @asgharali

1000 Years - What about forever? by @dickturpin

A 1000 YEARS TO LIVE? by @ijohnsen

A better world, A longer lifespan by @buezor

ED Weekly Posting Topic 43:1000 years by @xuwi

Live For 1000 Years? by @mypathtofire


New topic 9 WEEKS - REVIEW / PREVIEW 2022

Make a great post, read the rules above ( !!! ), dont forget the 2 tags and if you have questions, please just ask in the comments or join us in ecency discord.
Macht einen tollen Beitrag, lest die Regeln oben ( !!! ), denkt an die beiden tags und wenn ihr Fragen habt, fragt einfach in den Kommentaren oder schließt euch uns im ecency discord an.

++Wie gesagt "nur deutsch" posts zu dem Thema herzlichst willkommen :-)++

Ecency Points sponsored by @ecency @melinda010100 and @good-karma thank you very much!

This posting topic is open to everyone, not only for ecency discord members or people using ecency, no, for everyone on hive!
Dieses Posting-Thema ist offen für alle, nicht nur für ecency discord Mitglieder oder Leute die ecency benutzen, nein, für alle auf hive!

Have fun posting and use your chance to be seen and grow your account in a quiet chain time :-) Yours, B.

Please just be aware, if you join in it could be, that your post with one of your photos will be shown in the next Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic post.
Bitte denkt daran, wenn ihr mitmacht, könnte es sein, dass euer Posting mit einem eurer Fotos im nächsten Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic Post gezeigt wird.

Contest Picture Unsplash , edited by me with corel draw
Other pictures from the persons / posts mentioned


Thank you )) it was a great theme for me writing a post wasn't difficult with full ideas)

I'm definitely going to write on this one, I think I need a self reflection post on my blog to get me feeling more grateful anytime I check it out.

Thanks for this topic, expect my entry 😊

Thank you and have a good time refkecting :-) Looking foreward to your post !ALIVE

@merit.ahama! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @beeber. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.


Be there or be square!
If you're not there, then I assume you're not a round.

Credit: reddit
@beeber, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @vocup

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

@beeber! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @vocup. (9/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

@beeber! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @vocup. (9/20)

Thanks for the topic. I've not known what to write about for a few days. Hopefully this will help me get started.

There are so many things to write about, happy you like this one !ALIVE

@kaazoom! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @beeber. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Ohhhwaia, nur mehr 9 Wochen! 🙄🙄🙄

I guess last week's theme "What if you'd live a 1000 years" was a bit challenging? Because there were only 6 participants, but these all very interesting. It is always fascinating from what different angles you can see a topic.

Probably it did not received enough visibility. I also have not seen it so far. Getting visibility (or rather people, who actually read your posts) is often a challenge. Even if you promote your post.

We live for eternity, but not in our current physical human body. Actually there is no time. Or rather there is infinite time.

Oh it also depends on the topic from week to week different how many join in. The last one was a little challenging again :-D
Thanks for the reblog !ALIVE

@xplosive! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @beeber. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Probably the current topic (nine weeks) is more challenging. Or at least this is how I currently see.

Yeah, although maybe with a tough title, we may get some high-calibre responses?

My first thought was "Isn't there something "9 Days that shook the world?"" but it turns out it was 10 Days. 😞