Garden of her Dreems : #1

in #hive-1251256 months ago


The sun rose over her simple garden as it always had, growing confidence each morning, pushing itself further into the sky, lighting up the farms of the valley. The young and spirited Amani was already hard at work amongst the mounds of plants in her yard where she spent most of her life. The hard work didn’t matter much to her, though. She enjoyed her garden. It was peaceful and quiet, and the labor-induced sweat brought her a feeling of accomplishment at the end of each day. Today, however, she wasn’t enjoying any of it. Several days earlier she was informed that her farm was failing and that her products were barely providing enough to make ends meet.

“Oh blueberries, if only you could grow a little faster,” she chuckled to herself. “Maybe if I moved you closer to the peppers, perhaps their fiery competition would encourage you. They sure do grow the fastest.” She sat for a moment in the dirt. “Maybe it would just encourage your stubbornness, though.” Her imagination raced as she continued to work. Already, several hours had passed by like a fleeting wind. For a moment, she grew anxious, thinking about how quickly those two hours had come and gone. “What if I can’t get more fruits and vegetables to grow in time? Why, that would be just rotten squash!” She tried not to let it bother her, and instead bounced back to thinking of her fruits, ideas running wild in her imagination.

“I wonder what you all have to say to each other when I’m not listening. Do you talk about me behind my back?

‘Oh that Amani, crazy as ever. I wonder when she’ll finally go and see a psychiatrist,’ she chuckled to herself, pretending to speak for her veggies. “I imagine that would be one of you peppers saying that, no offense.”

‘Oh Amani, you’re so caring and compassionate and those ol’ coots asking for all of your money don’t realize the hard worker you are!’ “Well, thanks for saying that, Mint!” she imagined. “Hm. Okay maybe that’s a little vain of me.”

She laughed again to herself. This was a challenging time, and anything that could divert her attention was much appreciated.

But she always circled back to the problem; how would she make up the money? Her fruits and vegetables only ever helped her scrape by, and now even that wouldn't be enough.

“What do you think, Carrots? I bet you guys know a thing or two about farming, yourself. ‘Why would you think that, Amani?’” she mimicked in a falsetto-carroty voice.

“Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe the orange just makes you guys look like little sunburnt farmers, but who am I to say?”

She sat up again, this time looking at the blackberries. “What about you guys? You all seem to be team players…y’know, since there’s so many of you packed together…hmm,”

She paused. “Together? What if I combined some of the fruits and veggies TOGETHER?” She scratched her head and stood up.

“Too crazy?” She imagined the plants all nodding. “Ok maybe it’s a little far-fetched but what if we got a little experimental? What if we created a new product that no one’s ever heard of? Oh guys, this is great!” She hopped up and down in excitement! “Thank you!”

She ran inside and brought out a small notebook and pen. She planted herself in the dirt once again, surrounded by all of the fruits and vegetables and got right to work. She brainstormed combinations- blueberry family with mint family, or carrot clan with pepper tribe- more and more, she created combinations- drawing what she imagined them to look like. She didn’t know if it was possible, but the thoughts excited her. She drew her ideas of what each would look like, twisting and forming a beautiful hybrid. Sure, she wasn’t exactly the best artist, but she took delight in it. She imagined the plants leaning over her shoulder, fighting to see her drawings. "Now, now, just be patient! I'll have to get the best of each FAMILY to start with and then we'll see where this goes!"

She smiled and stood up. “Well guys, it sure doesn’t feel like it, but it’s already getting late. I can’t believe it’s taken us this long, but I suppose we’ll get started tomorrow!” She stood up.

“Yeah, this is gonna be great! As long as we work together, we’ll be sure to avoid rotten squash!” She waved goodnight to all of the plants as the sun lost its confidence once again and hid beneath the mountains. The moon, however, was more brilliant than ever, lighting up her garden as she shut her door, excited for the next day to come.

Then, inexplicable to anyone who might have been watching, happened a happening that well…happened. A blue firefly-like fog rolled in, settling amidst the garden. The Peppers, the Carrots, the Blackberries, the Mint, and the Blueberries began to twist and contort in the brilliance of the dreemy moonlight. Then, stems shot up from the ground and landed as many small feet, each with a distinct mannerism. The Peppers on their toes, the Carrots firmly into the ground, the Blackberries all as one, the Mint flimsily as the oldest one cried out, “My back!” and finally the Blueberries, light on their feet.

The Peppers looked around and fired out a call to the others, “Oh that Amani, crazy as ever. I wonder when she’ll finally go and see a psychiatrist!”

Posts of Season 2
Season 2 begins || Your first tip for Season 2||

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Images from me and Midjourney! Storyline collaborated from me and my son-in-love! ❤️


Spicy blueberries do sound tasty :)

It is time to save Amani, let's use all our effort and achieve this.

I read this post first, and although I do not quite get it yet I know with time as it all unfolds it will make sense.

Would be reading for the second time in the dead of the night where everywhere is peace and quiet 🙂.

I love the ending part more as it made my imaginations vivid and brought alive my #dreemerforlife spirit 😍.

The only thing I don't agree with Amani is that she thinks she has to use the best of each family to achieve that. However, if she included everyone, maybe even that rotten pumpkin could regenerate. Love is the most immense force in this Universe and Amani knows it. She knows it, yes, it's in all her blood.


Oh my oh my….
Reading this once isn’t even enough
Let me go again
I’m not sure if it’s too early to notice clues, but of course my note and pen have already jotted something exciting things
The future is exciting and I’m ready!!!!


hehhee it's never too early to start jotting down clues!

Let me reblog this so I can easily get back to reading and assimilating it.

Crazy Amani! I feel like shouting same with the plants, hehe.
Such a passionate farmer who is always ready for innovations its a surety that one with such an attitude in any adventure knows no failure.
But wait o, where is this story leading us, hehe. Me I am sitting tight and watching to the end, hehe. Oya wey you anty @balikis95 wake and come here


hehehe see??? it's already starting to form in yiu mind how things will develop!

I told you once the game begins it would be easier hehehe..

wait until you get cards to merge!!! then the fun really begins! hehehe

Hehe, it's alright

Lol, there's nothing I can do here. Look for dreemers that commented here and send them messages.

I can't do anything and can't say anything. Lol. And I haven't even read the post. Just stay calm, find yourself a teem and tell them your worries. You guys should learn together and know what to do

See my teacher has abandoned me ooo
I got it, no wams

hahahahhaa!!! you sent him on th right path! lol

Well, I think Amani is as crazy as I am. I love this. Amani sounds familiar; passion is what she's got. An important ingredient in anything we do. :)

hahahaha then you are a person after my own heart!!! as Amani's tale was born from my own garden experience.....I love to talk to my plants as if they are entire communities living lives in my pots! 🤣🤣🤣

it makes for a fun story....and hopefully someone figures out the mystery to solve Amani's woes!🤗

Definitely come join in the fun!!! and if you have questions ask!!!

there are posts to read at the bottom of this post that came first hehehe

check them out if you need help or just come ask ❤️

Look at me wishing this was a movie, i will just grab my popcorn and have my eyes glued to my screen. It's so interesting

Poor Amani, It's okay to be crazy sometimes.

hahaha i agree - normal is overrated! LOL

if you get popcorn - bring some for me! hehe

Amani, you are not crazy rather you are very creative! It is time for a new thing to be born, so just go for it. The entire crew of Dreemie Pirates are ready to work with you as you go on with your experiment, and I can’t wait to see the new thing you are going to create with your Dreemie imagination!

hehehe pirates in her garden!!! that's EXACTLY what she needs! hahahaha you have the right spirit! :)

and yes- a new thing to be born! we need it! hehehe

I have always heard that people who talk to their plants have more success than non-plant whisperers, so I find it suspect that if Amani is that great of a plant whisperer, her farm is in trouble. I will be keeping a close eye on this one as it unfolds to see what else doesn't add up here... #dreemerforlife

hehehehe you can join the fun!!!

cards for season 2 start issuing on Monday on 🤗

get a teem if you like and work together! split the prize !!!

or take the plunge and try to work on your own and win the big prize yourself hehehe

I am still trying to find out what this is all about but obviously, amani is cooking something up for her beautiful garden. What those peppers seemed to see as a problem that needs a psychiatrist could be an invention that no one has ever seen before 😁😁

Still suspicious 🤣


good to be suspicious 🧐😋🤐

But we will solve that puzzle, when we teem up like those veggies, expect magic 😂

LOLOL that's right - teem work makes the dreem work LOLOL
plus magic too hahahahahahaha

Had to read the story again for good measure. Dreemie you're one heaven of a script writer.😏


actually... this was a collaboration between me and my son-in-love

he wrote lots of it!!!! I just dropped in here and there to tweak it. twist it . and make sure it fit well for DreemPort.

my daughter (his wife) collaborated with me on the beautiful images.hehehe

I think you will really enjoy the story and the images!!!

I do enjoy it. You have a really talented family, Dreemie. Can't wait to experience more of this beauty.🤗

and I can't wait to reveal it

this is the man my daughter just married.hehehe

I realize that. Screams 'God's Perfection'✨

hehehehe they really are such a great couple!!

and @amiegeoffrey and @emrysjobber will get to meet them in December

Yaay, and I can't wait to see them😌😌

And Dreem just had to remind me of what I'll be missing on. Way to go Dreemie.😭

just for this year....but maybe God has plans for you to meet them after hehehe

What an enchanting tale! Amani's playful conversations with her plants had me smiling from ear to ear. The idea of creating hybrid fruit and vegetable combinations is so imaginative and exciting. And the twist at the end with the plants coming to life under the moonlight? Absolutely brilliant! I can't wait to see where Amani's adventures lead next. Keep up the fantastic storytelling!"


The plants might be right about Amani. She is crazy but I see her as a "crazy genius". Experimenting and trying out new things seems to be the best way out.

Who knows? Her plans might actually work out and she get to create a new product. But one thing is for sure, she would need help in order to avoid a rotten squash 😀😀😀

I read this and wondering how it's all gonna turn out 💃💃💃

Always a #dreemerforlife

hehehe she is definitely going to need all the dreemers' help!!!

and I agree with you!

crazy...genius... MAYBE BOTH hahaha

The whole scene finally begins to unfold, time to clue in to the clue, hehehe. My notebook and pen are right here with me and I don't know who is trying to lean over my shoulder... but it will surely make sense before the end of the day. Good luck to everyone.

hehehhee. don't have lots more story and tons more clues coming your way!!!!

keep jotting down all the things you want think are important and when it comes time to merge... hopefully you know which to merge and which to not!!! hehehe

While reading through, I had a lot of things playing out in my head and I felt like this was a message to the dreemers from you Dreemy, well I might be wrong but then it was a beautiful storyline and I can't wait to see what happens when Amani wakes up the next day.

Let's keep this simple as it is now, the story is Definitely still forming in my head and hopefully the next parts get something solid, hehe.

Let's go creative Amani, those plants might end up thinking differently if truly you are crazy or not 😌.


hehehehe I can hardly wait to drop the next it Sunday yet??? lol

and when you everyone starts merging and revealing!!! will they share their revelations!!! or keep everything hidden?? hehehe

I can't wait to see how this season comes to life!!! 🤣

It's definitely going to be fun for sure, I'm yet to find myself a team so I might just keep finding clues until I find a team 🥰.

I see success already because I know one thing it's certain, someone will unlock this! 💃

I love how Amani's garden was brought to life through her playful conversations with the plants. The idea of creating hybrid fruit and veggie combos is so creative. And then when they actually came alive under the moonlight? Brilliant! I can't wait to see what kinds of adventures unfold with the sassy peppers, wise old mint, and the others.

hehehe you will definitely fall in love with some characters and run away from others!! hehehe

more to.come.on Sunday!!!

I can hardly wait til people start getting cards to start merging!

I have been to see if I will find new cards to merge hehe

this week - only the bonus dreemie magic cards are avaiable after seeing who gets their streek on Friday

its all or nothing hehehe

if you don't get your streek - you don't get cards
if you get your streek - you get 10 BONUS dreemie magic cards! hehehehe

then next week- we begin to get 2 cards per day! (just like in season 1 - but new cards hehe)

Let me go curate now before I doze off hehe

hehe yes - and i'll help you with the minting and the marketplace tomorrow! :)

Oh God! Why wasn't I a vegetarian. It would have been an easy experiment to unveil. Let's see what makes them compatible for a merge. Amani garden, those veggies already seen her as mad 😂

hahahhahaa poor Amani!! even the veggies want her to go to a shrink! 🤣🤣🤣

but how can she be crazy....when they came to life! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

she must be the sanest of the bunch lol

Every gardener or maybe a farmer do have a little craziness and creativity in them. Talking to the crops is a part of the craziness, I'm not making this up, it's just a fact. While reading this I had a flash back on the day I had a hearty talk with my vegetables and told them not to let all my toils be in vain and that they should please try and grow well. I must confess that I had the best yield after that.

For Amani, she's sure needs to visit the psychiatrist just like the peppers suggested because her craze is out of this world, hehehe. But I see it's that craziness resulted to her creativity and now the garden is back to life.

I enjoyed reading every sentence of this story.

Always a #dreemerforlife

luchyl.... I do the same!!! hahahaha

that's actually how this story was born!

I was telling someone about how all my plants in th garden have different personalities and how some grow well for me but some are hardheaded and stubborn...hahaha

and how I talk to them and ask how they're doing each day 🤣🤣🤣🤣

so you can see....maybe that dreemie farmer seems very familiar 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far....we have LOTS more to come!!! 🤗

Amani was so right when she predicted what the plants were saying about her. I laughed when I got to where the pepper said it's mind 😂.

So, this is just a deduction though. For this week, we'll be having the blueberry cards, carrot cards, pepper cards, mint cards and blackberry cards. These are the 5 plant cards for the week. And we'll be helping Amani in merging this plants so she doesn't get a rotten squash in return as we're merging our cards for the week.

hehhehe looks like you are already forming your plans!!!! let's see if we should be watching oluchi for hints and tips! hahaha

and those peppers are the sassiest! hahaha

This is an interesting piece, I really don’t like suspense but then I have to wait for the next piece.

It is intriguing as I want this know if Amani is really crazy or maybe all these are part of her imagination

I usually hate the suspense too..hahahaha and we have MUCH more to share!!!

I think I should do a post each day instead of twice a week 🤣🤣🤣🤣

but I can't rush it ..or people will.get left behind hehehe

but I do want to go quicker 🤣🤣🤣

I hope Amani gets to see that - and that she gets her hybrids too! She can't lose that magical farm.

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

oh I hope so too..all the dreemiest people need to see their dreems come true!!! but they also have to learn will happen in this season??? hehehe

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Hmm, I think I picked a point here hahaha, not sure if it's right, but let's keep going.

The storyline is amazing, poor Amani hehe


Congratulations 🥳🥳

@amiegeoffrey you are the lucky winner of 100 Dreem Tokens for participating in Dreemport’s Bounty.


Wow, thank you so much.

definitely points in here... AND in the previous post! hehehe

Thank you Kene 🌹

Thank you so much for the tag.

Thanks for the tag, @kenechukwu97 . Much appreciated 🙏

Thanks for the tag

Thanks for the tag

Tanchiu sir for the tag

Thank you for the tag

gracias por etiquetarme 🤗👍

Thank you boss ✌️

Thank you for the tag.

Thank you for the tag @kenechukwu97

Thank you for the tag

Thank you Kene 🥰

Thank you.

I'm also convinced that Amani needs a shrink, however, only people crazy enough to believe in impossibilities actually make it happen.

What a free soul. I cannot wait to see how it goes. I can already pick a couple of cues.

Well done.

hehehe hi lovely! I thnk you already went to sleep for the night - but i saw your message that you weren't able to message me yet - i sent a friend rquest in discord - after that you'll be able to message hehehe

and i agree - the ones who are craziest enough -build the most wonderful things! hehehe GO GO AMANI!!

I have read this post twice with the previous one before this post.

I love the imaginative part of the story most especially the part where the plants were fighting to see what Amani is scribbling on her note.

Am already having fun even by just reading the story. I don't know where it will end yet but I know success is assured.

All I need is my creative ability to bring about something juicy to save Amani and this I will do happily so that Amani will not need to see psychiatrist. Lol.

hi there @niranaway!! so glad that you're jumping into the fun with us!!!!

and please use all your creativity to save Amani and her farm! hahahaha we need to save her from the psychiatrist ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Aye Captain.

Let me gather my tools of creativity, my garment of imagination and my notepad to mix aright.


hehehhee I love it!

Wish me well captain.

I read the two previous posts about the challenge, it’s safe to say that I am beginning to understand everything now😃

Always a ##dreemerforlife


it all starts to come to life - doesn't it??
little by little hehehe

Love it... let the fun begin... I shall play along inside my head... and maybe write a few posts too hehe... This could be a lotta fun, dreemie 😂🥰 !LUV !ALIVE !PIMP


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