So many DreemPort updates - and more coming!

in #hive-1251258 months ago

The best dev in the world (according to dreemers... hehe) has been working hard for us lately! As @ibbtammy has noticed - THERE HAVE BEEN SOME CHANGES on DreemPort!

I'll start listing them off here - and even share some upcoming ones for the future!


In school, a 73% is pretty close to a failing grade - but on DreemPort it means that a LOT of people actually ranked you high! We're so used to test scores in school, that it was hard for people to figure out if 70% was good or bad on DreemPort - so... we switched to a 5 point system. Now you can see your scores much easier, and try to creep closer and closer to that favored 5!


This is a new one for ya! They are redirects RIGHT before you start curation - and they usually only are a 1 or 2 question survey that we'll give to try to figure out what dreemers really want/love/suggest for DreemPort.

Want to try it out now? You can take your first poll here!

VIP Teem Picks!

We have 3 super secret VIP Staff curators that wander the DreemPort halls looking for the best posts of the day. When they find one, it gets a boost. This isn't enough of a boost to override what the dreemer community thinks - but it's enough to nudge it up a bit! How can you catch their eye? Make a mouth-watering title! Put a spotlight on your preview! Craft an eye-catching image! If you lure in a VIP - you might just get that extra nudge to be top 5 of the day - and extra DREEM your way!


Did you accept a post, that the Guild rejected? or reject a post that the Guild accepted? Think they got it wrong? NOW YOU CAN APPEAL the Guild decision. Hey - they're human after all! They CAN get it wrong! Click on the Appeal button if you believe that the decision made by the Guild was in error! Good news - if you're right, and the Guild agrees - they will reward you for the amended vote! But make sure you're actually reading, dreemers!!! Because when that vote is amended, it will award the correct decision, and automatically DEDUCT a level day, AND 15 DREEM from dreemers who weren't paying attention when voting! So don't fall asleep on the job, dreemers! hehe We need to make sure you're rejecting spam, and accepting all other posts accurately!


This is an upcoming update (in time for next week's WEEK 1 submission, most likely!) But soon, you'll be able to submit your challenge post on ANY DAY before the challenge day! Just select the CHALLENGE submission in the drop down box instead of DAILY submission - and it will automatically hold your post to be released on the Challenge Curation day! Pretty sweet!


For those of you who have noticed the "I had a dream about cupcakes" posts going around as a test for DreemPort - good eyes! hehe That will actually be a separate post coming up VERY soon with some data that we hope will be of benefit to Hive communities. More to come in the next few days!


There are only a few more weeks left to collect DreeMerge (Season 1) cards and level them up as high as they can go. Staff have been using the Marketplace to MINT their leveled up cards, and soon - Public will be able to also. Another post will be coming soon to let you know more about all the Features of the cards, how to activate them, and how to sell/trade them! Season 2 is going to be a step up in a whole new direction - so hope you're in the mood for some fun!


For DreemPort Admin, you will be getting a new rewards button that will release your rewards for the day - super simple and easy! This is upcoming, but should be in place by next week!

That's all for now, dreemers! Stay tuned for more updates, as they come!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

DreemPort images are property of DreemPort. Please do not use without permission. All other images created by Midjourney


These are so many beautiful changes, and since it's all for the best, we gotta adapt.


adapt and thrive!!! hehehe

Nice updates you got there.
More ideas to the team especially the Devs.


yes yes - our devs are the best in the whole wide sea :)

So many updates 🤗🤗🤗. All the updates sounds cool .

dreemsteem, intishar sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

hehehe yes - very cool!!! and more to come - and that's cooler hehehe

There has been a lot of updates lately. Great job dreemer and the team at work

hey you! :)

its definitely a teem effort! hehehe

if you want to join in on the orientation call today - it will be very soon

that's the orientation for the February challenge :)

Congratulations 🥳🥳

@dwixer you are the lucky winner of 100 Dreem Tokens for participating in Dreemport’s Bounty.


Thank You

There are lots of improvements going on in the community. You guys are doing well.


not "you guys"

"we guys"


Haha, my bad. We guys 🫠

Interesting indeed... I'm anticipating the marketplace


I was in the marketplace already and i loved it. hehehehe i hope that its fun for all :)

I hope so too

All these are amazing improvements. It's great to be part of the new change. Kudos to the dreemport staff and family.


also... if you want to come to the orientation call today for the February challenge - come!

starts soon :)

Yes Dreemie, I was present and it was a great show. I hope I can deliver on the challenge... that's what scares me now, hehe.

Thank you so much

Thanks becky!!! yes - kudos to us all.. we only do what we do - because you guys do what you do!!!

This are amazing features, especially being able to submit a challenge post any day before the submission date.

Does this new update has anything to do with the image size of cards getting bigger(especially on mobile) I used to love it more when it was smaller.


oh thanks for the suggestion - I'll tag @penderis to see what can be done :)

I love the updates rolling out on the website. It's looking more advanced. February will be much fun. I also noticed the new grading. It's cool, and our blogging performance will be more revealing, creating room for improvement in our subsequent blogs.

I am looking forward to receiving more updates.

The Dev. did a great job. Kudos to the Dreemport team. 👏👏👏

Being a #dreemerforlife

i love that you're getting exactly what we're trying to do!!! :) "creating room for improvement in our subsequent blogs" is exactly the point!!!

if you can... try to come to the orientation today in discord for this february challenge :)

it will be on voice :)

Would have loved to attend the orientation but will be stepping out to church soon. Oh! I wish it will he recorded. Hopefully, I'll find someone to brief me.

Thanks so much ma'am.

oh sorry you couldn't make it but church is better! hehehe

It wasn't recorded - sorry! but tomorrow at the same time - there will be another CWH time! maybe try to attend that one hehehe

Oh! It was awesome.

It's good there will be another session today. I just set my alarm for it. 😁. Thanks so much Dreemie ❤️

So many things going on, hopefully I will be able to catch up

hehehe you have @zyzymena to hold your hand through it all - she will make sure that you know everything you need! she's wonderful! hehehe just stick closely to her <3

Change is constant. These are beautiful changes and we will get used to them in no time.

Kudos to the dreemteem for all their hardwork in making dreemport bigger and better.

Always a #dreemerforlife

thanks rukkie!! :) we are really proud of our teem!!! :)

Sweet sweet update or should I say upgrade

yeah! upgrade for sure -hehehe we love it!

and more coming! :)

It's pretty cool seeing all of this newish updates and enticing challenges rolling up soon! I feel dreemport has a lot to offer!

hehehe yes Miss Cesca!!! thank you for always being such a huge part of dreemport and all we do. I love your heart and always will!

Lots of updates to digest
This is beautiful
New year, new ideas for good
Great job 🤝✅👍

I love this new development, we are growing, we are moving higher.

The VIP curators give off Michelin Inspectors reviewing to bestow the Michelin stars :)

These updates are juicy and making Dreemport better day by day. I can see the dev working always to make Dreemport better and fun for all dreemers. Let's go......

The updates sound cool. I tried clicking on the link for the poll but it isn't opening... maybe take a look.

okj just looked... i have 17 responses there so it seems to be working.. hmmm

i'll send the link directly here for you..

Thanks, Captain Dreemie. This worked.

I am looking forward to learning more about Dreemport and taking part in upcoming challenges. #dreemerforlife

hey Greg! it was so nice meeting you the other day! i loved your questions!!!

and you probably don't remember - but when I mentioned i was giving out tokens - you did this cute little happy dance that made me smile! hehehehe

thanks for that! hehehe

Wow, these are quite some interesting upgrades.

#dreemport #dreemerforlife

Wow!! So many changes coming.
Adaptability of mine should be activated.🤭😌

💛Made my way here through #dreemport. #Dreemerforlife

I like the the opportunity to choose when to submit your challenge submission.

though I'll need to be more aware of when the challenges are, as I'm bad for only doing them when it's the only submission permitted

i knew that would be something people would enjoy! hehehe now you won't have to worry about which day - just submit and be on your way! LOL

These are amazing updates☺️☺️ kudos to the Dreemport committee


Well I am just glad that red food colouring has not been banned after all!

I am gradually understanding the features. Great job dreemport.

Wow, these are amazing changes and lots of new developments.

The awesome thing about these changes is that , it comes with more rewards which I believe is fantastic.


Nice development the changes are beautiful

Waoo, there is so much changes on Dreemport and this is so nice, at least we can now appeal if there are any mistakes, this is awesome that we can submit our challenge before the stipulated day.

I have to spend more time on Dreemport this time to get used to the changes. I'm excited!


Thank you so much.

Thank you so much

Thank you so much.

Many thanks 👍

Thank you so much!

Thank you.

Thank you 🥰

Thanks so much.