Wandering around Ecency to find goodies!!!

in #hive-1251252 years ago

Are you like me?

When updates are released, and are explained so well and so full - your eyes go glossy and unfocused and all the cool new updates are totally lost on you?

yep. me.

I REALLY WANT to pay attention. hahaha But I'm the kind of person that gets a new product and prefers to look at the instructions later. I'd rather get my hands in there and figure things out intuitively. If I do it THAT way, then it seems to STICK better!

I'm gonna give you 2 things that I found (with some help! hehe) that I think you'll love!!! They MIGHT be from the latest update OR they might have been there in plain view - and I just missed it! hehehe Maybe you missed it to! Let's take a peek!

I have HBD but I need HIVE. ughhh now I have to place a sell order!

Nope. I needed just 1 HIVE today! (cuz I was going to send a share of HBI to @bhattg! Do you use HBI??? I LOVE IT!!)

But what a hassle to need to go place an order and wait til it's filled. I'm impatient! hehe I have a million tabs open on my desktop and I want to get tasks done so I can keep moving!

  • Click on the down arrow by your Hive Dollars

  • Click on Trade Token

  • then you'll head to this screen!

You can SWAP so fast!!! If you want to switch from HIVE>HBD or HBD>HIVE just click on that middle arrow swap! And put in the amount you need! I literally only needed 1 HIVE - so I swapped approximately 0.5 HBD! easy - fast - awesome!!!

And you can see you do still have the options to use the market! You can click on LIMIT or ADVANCED if you want more options!!!!

I cannot believe I haven't seen this sooner - it was AWESOME!!!

Swap created! Trade filled! HIVE transferred to get the 1 HBI for @bhattg - all in seconds!!! yayyyyy!


This is just an extra boost of transparency on the blockchain - and I love it! I noticed it today when I was looking at transactions - check it out!

You can see - there are AUTHOR rewards listed and CONTENT rewards.

You might be confused - thinking hmmm did I get BOTH rewards into my wallet? Nope! One is for your wallet, and one is for your records and transparency! Previously, I don't believe they listed the CONTENT reward. (meaning, the full amount that the post was rewarded.)

So now, for your convenience, you can see YOUR author rewards (about 50% of the post payout) and right next to it - you can check that it's exactly the amount that it was supposed to be! It matches half of my CONTENT reward!

No need to flip back to other screens, no need to click on the post payout... it's all right there!

but... if you DO want to go back and check to be sure! Here is where you can always check!

Just HOVER over your Post Payout - and a little screen will pop up!

There is your Author payout!!! and you can see - it absolutely matches the HBD + HIVE POWER rewards that you were paid in the previous image! (2.387 HBD + 5.540 HP)

Don't you love it when dapps like @ecency make it easy for you! hehehe And I'm sure they told us all about it in their update posts!!! But if you're like me - I hope this step by step helped nudge you even more! hehehehe

Next time I find a new treasure, I'll share again! hehe

banner created in love by @wesphilbin for the #speekpeece family
🙏Have you taken your 5 deeeep breaths today?🙏

It's healing, it's grounding, it's calming, it's time now


😂😂😂 cool updates


I mostly use ecency to interact with hive. it is better than the other as far as I know, and also we are rewarded with ecency point, is another plus. and the latest development on the trade tab is outstanding. 😁

I do still enjoy peakd a lot, and sometimes when I'm in discord - it automatically opens my posts in peakd when I get notifications from ginabot LOL!! but Ecency is really so convenient for things and getting better and better!!! and i LOVE getting points to share with others in boosts and promotions!!! love love love that!!!


I had all but forgotten about that banner. I am glad you like it enough, to use it in a post. Thank you... sharing this information in The Terminal, in our ecency channel...


hahahaha yes - i love that banner and these days i'm loving the fivebreaths more and more! ehehe

They have an exchange now, still in testing mode I believe :)


@wesphilbin, @wrestlingdesires(1/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Made with by crrdlx

its so nice to use!!!!!!

@dreemsteem, @wesphilbin(8/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Made with by crrdlx

I love your enthusiasm for new Ecency features! Updates have been coming out fast and furious lately

I'm loving the energy of the Ecency team 💙 Congratulations on the exchange 🙌🎆🙌


Thanks so much 🙌


@melinda010100! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Can't live with it can't live meow it.

Credit: reddit
@melinda010100, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

hehehehe i love discovering them!!! i think i discovered one today too - and it might have been there for a while but just knowing about how things are always being updated by GK... love it!!! thank you for it all :)

Have you joined the Ecency Help Community yet? It is the first step to a new feature that is being developed that will work similarly to Google help.

Good to know, thank you @dreemsteem

you're so welcome @fernandoylet !! hope you enjoy using ecency! hehe

I like the updates too . especially the market..

hehehe yes that is REALLY nice - i can't believe i'm just seeing it a few days ago hahaah


You found a good treasure, I appreciate the fact that you shared it with us

sure! happy to share :) i hope you love using ecency too hehe

Yes am enjoying it so much

I haven't had time to look at the new Ecency exchange yet. That swap feature is definitely a great thing, when one forgets that a token is going to be needed (and yes, I've done that before) 😂

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

its SUPER nice! i used to have to go to hive.blog - and log in there - and then go through the market and wait for the order to be filled - pain!

now the swap - DONE! hehehehe you will LOVE it

This is really nice of you to share, thank you! I’m still trying to get the hang of HIVE as a whole so I appreciate tips like these for sure!

It’s amazing that the users can tip and review and all is implemented , the team work is amazing and such an extra. Yep Ecency is essential

yes - and we are ecential too! hehehe

they really are an amazing team!!!


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@wrestlingdesires(1/15) tipped @melinda010100 (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Thanks for the update. So nice of you to share and yes I am like you on this one (I discover everything about a new product intuitively rather than read a manual) the manual might come in handy if or when I get stuck, which really happens🤪😇

Aha I think you are not alone who reads the instructions at last 😉, thanks for that 😊. You did explained it pretty well. You have done your magic ✨.

Have a great 🌃 night 😉🙏🎉

hahahahaha you too??? LOLOL instructions are meant to be used AFTER we try to figure it out for ourselves hahahahahah

Thanks for this steps

you're very welcome @mummygo! :)

I'm the kind of person that gets a new product and prefers to look at the instructions later.


Instructions? I want to push the buttons and pull the levers to see what they do. Then when I find things that don't make sense I'll go look for tutorials and how-to posts or videos.

Thanks for sharing this how-to. I hadn't thought of Ecency as a place to conduct transactions. So this is a great find.

this is sooooooooo me! hahahaha

when it doesn't work the way i think it should... THEN i go find out why LOLOL

and yes - their market is pretty sweet too!!! i'm loving it!

oh - and I just said that i found something else today - in a comment to @melinda010100 up there. hehehe and i just remembered what it was!

when you schedule a post on peakd... you can't schedule it to show up in a community AND post to your blog automatically. you have to choose one or the other.

but on ecency- you can now schedule it to go to a community and ALSO go to your blog - THAT IS HUGE! cuz that means that all my scheduled posts go through Ecency now! hehehe

and i think I even found something else today too - but i forget! but - either way i love using Ecency!!!


