The Longest Show Ever! .:. Recap of Hive Humpday Hangout SE #06 (Wednesday, June 26)

in #hive-1251253 months ago

You know what they say... When you have a lot of fun, time is flying away! It was exactly like that in yesterday's Hive Humpday Hangout! We had a Special Edition show, which means that there was no prepared topic, script, and nothing similar... The participants in the show were leading the show's direction and we went through many different topics... I had a busy morning and a bad headache before the show, but even that has gone during the livestream!

Recap of HiveHumpdayHangout FreeStyle06.jpg
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These SE (special edition) shows aren't recorded and I try to run them every LAST Wednesday in a month, just to relax, have a nice chit-chat with regulars, and motivate folks to come and attend it live! The show was over 2 hours long which is probably the record, and whenever I was thinking that we could wrap it up, someone would join the show and start another topic! It was great to see some new faces in the show, especially after knowing these guys for years on the chain! To hear them for the first time and to have a friendly chat!

We began the show a bit cautious and shy... nothing unusual... hehehe... Sometimes the audience is tough and it's hard to keep the discussion rolling... @relf87 shared with us that he is planning a trip to Europe next year and asked a few questions regarding transportation in Italy...

As my son has finished high school and had his test exam for the University in the morning, I was curious to hear what education our participants have... In the end, the conclusion was that many of us aren't doing what we have "finished for", and life makes us pre-qualify for other professions, and that trend will probably speed up even more in the future...

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You can't work all the time, so we switched the topic and checked out where people are going for vacation... 😃 Naturally, we continued with specific places and local traditions, which reminded me about the San Juan festive that was a few days ago... I have shared some of the "highlights" of it and consulted Google for more details... 😃

I have no idea how we moved into the talk about languages, but in the end, we wrapped up that topic by exploring the differences between platanos and bananas... 😂 I didn't know that they aren't the same, but it looks like I wasn't the only one to not know that...

After an hour of chatting, we had the more hectic second hour... Almost at the same time, @josediccus, @seckorama, and @travoved came to the show and brought new energy to it! We thought that it would be a speed race, but they converted the show into a marathon... 😃 It was time to bounce back the topic to HIVE! I loved it! 🙂

@seckorama came in voice, talking about his trip to Aachen Hive Meetup on Friday, and we also talked a bit about the upcoming #HiveFest, and possible routes to get to Split, Croatia! It was his first time attending the show, and it was nice to have him with us! Luckily, he was on vacation, so he could join us!

We have another "first-timer" in the show... After many requests and promises, @josediccus finally came to the show... 😃 The ball was completely in the HIVE pitch, and he was talking about engagement on different social networks, differences between before and now... We discussed the importance of live events, even these "virtual meetups" that we are having, and how they can motivate and keep the community together... There are many ways that we can improve that, and I hope that we will have more places to hang out with other Hivians...

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Talking about spaces for hanging out, we lured @melinda010100 to the mic... 😃 The idea was to get some alphas from her about Ecency developments... She was hesitating to share, but we got some first-hand info and sneaked a peak into the minds of Ecency devs... 😃 Something is cooking in Ecency - Rising Star kitchen and that collaboration can make wonders... :)

For the last half hour of the show, we dived deep into hard topics... It's not easy to talk about issues and about things that could be better, but we have shared our views about DHF, witnesses, Hive whales... The community on HIVE is diversified and we have many different "profiles" of people... While it can be perceived as a weakness, it is our advantage, but only if we combine it with the most important tool of decentralization, the DIALOGUE...

The conclusion was that we need more discussions and dialogues with other Hivians, to exchange ideas, present different views, and try to understand how others are thinking... If we don't understand something, that doesn't mean that it's bad... Sometimes, it looks like we lose the connection between big and small accounts on HIVE, and that can be tricky... Big or small, everyone has their place on HIVE, and everyone can contribute to this place and make it better!

We had 17 people (including myself) in the show and I would like to thank everyone for participating in the show! Thanks, @bananaklatbarat, @bulkathos, @soyernesto, @foxkoit, @josediccus, @manclar, @melinda010100, @mypathtofire, @misticogama, @palomap3, @relf87, @seckorama, @sacra97, @seunruth, @suarlex, and @travoved!

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Thank you, guys and girls, once again! As a sign of appreciation, I will send some LEN tokens to all participants of the live show! You can pair them with LENM tokens, add liquidity to the diesel pool, and earn rewards! If you want to learn more about the project behind it, check out the @liotes account or visit the Liotes website... Of course, if you are not interested in it, you can sell tokens on the Hive-Engine market...

To encourage more people to come on the mic, I have sent an additional 100 Ecency POINTS to people who shared their thoughts in voice with us (this time we had 4 participants in voice)! So POINTS are going to @seunruth, @seckorama, @josediccus, and @melinda010100!

Special thanks goes to @melinda010100 and @good-karma for providing the space for the event!

Thank you for your time,

If you would like to support me, the easiest way to do it is to follow my account and vote for Liotes Hive Witness!
Appreciate your consideration and support!

Check out these links to the previous shows:

Episode NumberTitleLink
25Why Did the Hive Price Drop?Link
24What Do We Expect From Hive and Crypto!Link
23Aachen Meetup and WorldMapPin Talk With @detlev!Link
SE05Usernames Origins, Age, Early Retirement, Crypto Portfolio, and more...Link
22Helping Hive to ThriveLink
21Make Yourself Uncomfortable (on Hive!)Link
20First Excursions Out of the Comfort ZoneLink
SE04BuzzParty Impressions, Weekly Recap, BonfireLink
19Ways To Buy/Sell Hive!Link
SE03Foods, Crypto Research, Education, PredictionsLink
18Best Tools For Content CreationLink
17Consistency and Adding ValueLink
SE02After Show ShowLink
16CBRS Philanthropy Chat With @minigunner!Link
15Profit Taking PlanningLink
14Ecency/Hive Chat With @good-karma!Link
SE01Relaxed "Exclusive" SessionLink
13Writer's Block and How To Overcome ItLink
12Hive-Engine TokensLink
11Hive Guidelines for NewbiesLink
10NY Resolutions and Creating Hive GoalsLink
9How Was Your (HIVE) 2023?Link
8Presenta tu comunidad - ES/EN Show! - Part 2Link
7Present Your Community - Part 1Link
6How to Start on Hive?Link
5Do You Upvote Quality Posts?Link
4Genuine? Authentic? To be or not to be?Link
3Hive Power, HP Delegation, HivePUD...Link
2Hive Meetups, HiveFest, HiveBeeConLink
1Pilot Episode (Aired 2023-10-18) - The VisionLink

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


@tipu curate

It was an astonishing show, and I'm glad I was able to join. It's not the first time I'm hearing you talk so... But it was nice to hear you talk one-on-one. I haven't been doing a lot of talking lately, and understandly so. However it was good to just take that time out, hopefully more people will come to the show. It was an interesting different discussion yesterday.

Thanks for coming! It was great to have you in the show and have a talk with you... As you probably noticed, not many people are comfortable being "discussion starters" and most people like to listen, and not to talk... The idea of the show was to relax people and to encourage them to express their views and opinions... That takes time, but we are making some progress by small steps...

I hope you will come by in the future shows too! 🙂

Yeah, it was a great show, but I had no luck with my travels. I must cancel everything :(

Oh, really? I hope you are well and nothing serious has happened.

I was really happy for you when you said that you will go to Aachen... Anyway, there will be other meetups!

Thanks for participating in the show! It was great to have you!

My son has a serious issue.

Huh... Sorry to hear that... I hope he will get well soon! 🙏❤️

It sounds like a lot went on. I think the talk about different places and meetups are interesting. It lets people learn more about things that they probably wouldn't know otherwise.

Yeah, we had a lot of topics and the discussion flew from one to another... In these SE shows, you never know where we will finish... 😃

It was a pleasure to listen to you and learn from you, thank you for sharing your time and space, I hope it repeats, greetings

You are most welcome! I hope you will join future shows too!

It was great to have you with us! 🙏

Thanks for the weekly shows! :)

You are welcome!
See you next week! :)

Thank you for the enlightenment my friend ❤

You are welcome! I hope you found the show interesting and useful!
See you next time!

LEN token and the whole project sounds really intriguing! Presently at the hospital with mom, I'll check out stuffs about the project when i can. A great privilege to speak at the show yesterday.

Thanks for coming to the show!
All the best to you and your mom! 🙏❤️

Sounds like it was indeed a fun show. You can learn a lot in chit chat covering many topics if not at least good laughs and fun can be had. Hope to join in again when I have a Wednesday available :)

Swap your weekends for Wednesdays! 😃

See you in some of the next ones!

Wednesday Weekend, double W like the sounds of that and how awesome would it be to have hump day off, haha. I could always swap my lunch hour but would have limited time though. Wish I could be a full timer but some is better than none 😁

The way you made your son switch from reading to talk about something else is really cool. The body needs some rest and we gotta learn how to take breaks from whatever we do

Ha! congrats on the longest show ever! That means the audience was having fun. Glad to see new names in the recap too. I'll come say hi whenever I can. The vibe on the show is always welcoming and fun.

Thanks! We had a great time and discussed many different topics! And not easy ones... I like it when people think about issues and express their concerns in the show! Creating dialogue is an important part of growing, and accepting others' opinions...
See you in the next one! 😃

Keep up the good work. 👏

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