How will the Hive Blockchain look like with Virtual and Augmented Reality?

in #hive-1251254 months ago


Hi there everyone, it's TheRingMaster back again and I'm very happy to be sharing this particular blog since I like to look at myself as a futurist and I absolutely love the Hive Blockchain.

I love technology and have always been fascinated by the potential of technology to change our world.

At the moment, technology is advancing at a very rapid rate and what we thought we would see in 2040 might happen before 2030

Take Artificial Intelligence for instance, just a couple years back it used to be which country has the most powerful weapons or fastest internet speed but now it's which country's and it's companies are advancing the most in AI.

  • Nvidia is releasing a new chip which they say is 30 times faster than the previous. That's some fast advancement.

However, I couldn't help but think of the future of the Hive Blockchain in all this. We see the next phase of the Internet unfolding before our very eyes. Companies like Meta, Google and Apple have invested billions of dollars in digital glasses that makes us interact with virtual reality and Augmented reality much deeper.

The question I have is, if we imagine years to come and the level of advancement in Virtual and Augmented reality in particular, how would Hive look like?

At the moment, yes Hive is Web 3 but we engage on the platform the same way we engage on other Web 2 platforms; on our phones by writing content, comments, clicking Upvote buttons and making token transactions.

How will all this be done when our technology gets advanced in the virtual and Augmented side of things?

I really have been thinking a lot about what could happen with combining Hive with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) and the ideas are simply mind-boggling to me guys. It makes me have much more hope in the potential success of this Blockchain.


Let Me Paint You A Picture

Just imagine entering into a social media platform run by the Hive Blockchain, only that instead of flipping through posts, you walk in a virtual surrounding where you can interact with people and content. The same friends you make here and read their blogs and make comments and Upvotes, you get to see them represented by their avatars.

This video of Meta by founder Mark Zuckerberg explains the virtual Internet very well - of course the difference is that it's centralized by Hive will be decentralized

Imagine it guys, you would be able to roam through favorite internet creators’ digital space, join live virtual occasions like Hive Fest or even catch up with your friends in cyber cafes on VR. Hive will be ten times more fun than now and all this plus the benefit of Decentralization and control over your data and financial assets. What a sweet future for the Hive Blockchain.

All this would take place within a 3D environment wherein the Hivers could explore spaces created by their preferred content creators or attend virtual events held in real-time.

You and your friends could meet for coffee at digital cafes. This would end up making Hive much more interactive and real and would raise social interaction to an absolutely new level.

What we call engaging will not be from typing, upvoting or reblogging but actually experiencing a virtual community.

However, I'm pretty sure even at that point, there will be an option for those that feel like just typing or texting.

All that I said is Virtual Reality but Augmented Reality would bring a whole different sort of magic to this.

  • Imagine having to superimpose computer data onto your actual real life environment.

I'm pretty sure you've seen examples of Augmented Reality but if you haven't, here's a video showing how it would work

When you visit a city, for instance, the AR guides created by travel bloggers on Hive will enable you to see hidden gems and Great art through either your smartphone or AR glasses. You would definitely enjoy the travel blogs much more than you already are. This would mean we have to be creating content that allows users to interact with real-time experiences in a practical way.

I believe at that point, Hive could revolutionize virtual markets as well. For VR markets, Hive’s zero-fee transactions are just right since this is where we would be able to trade in digital art, avatar clothing and virtual real estate among others online. Without the Hive Blockchain aspect, we would be paying enormous fees for trading assets.

If you go to any VR marketplace, pick an amazing piece of digital artwork and buy it without any hustle using Hive tokens or most likely the HBD since it's more stable, all these transactions are secure thanks to our solid Blockchain and open which will gives you confidence in purchases.


Even Education Will Be Positively Impacted by This Combo

Hive pairing with VR and AR would allow us to have virtual classrooms where students communicate with lessons and simulations in a way that is impossible via traditional methods.

Take for example, a history lesson. It could be transformed into a virtual tour of ancient civilizations, while the science classes could incorporate interactive experiments within a virtual laboratory. So for those that share a lot of science blogs here, a lot of graphics can be added to the content.

Hive may serve as an important source for such innovative educational content which can make learning more involving and effective.

Also imagine when perhaps a community gives a prompt to tell a story and we could use Virtual and Augmented reality tools to create these stories, it would make prompts way cooler than it is today on Hive.

I personally feel that this could change how we play games as well. Already we have Nvidia as I spoke on earlier advancing their chips and Gaming industries will find ways of incorporating the new technology in their games to build better more immersive games. Imagine having SplinterLands, Wrestling Organization Online, Holozing and Rising Star to mention a few all in this awesome Virtual Hive.

This would make the characters of the game almost feel so real and alive. Gaming will be much fun and the more fun it gets, the more people will spend time playing it on Hive.

The gamers would use Tokens earned through playing, competing and developing VR and AR objects within immersive environments provided by the Hive Blockchain. Can you imagine an augmented reality game that allows you to fight SplinterLand's monsters in your backyard or a virtual reality world where you can construct and journey through imaginative landscapes?

Let's be honest the SplinterLands monsters would probably be the most scary with the seriously threatening monsters looking so real, hehehe - let's see if you would play well at that time

The inclusion of Hive would therefore give real life value to in-game achievements creating dynamic and very gratifying games. Everything we earn from playing will have real life value and can be exchanged for anything else including cash.

I think one of the greatest things about Hive is its community, and if VR and AR are added to it, then the idea of community building can be taken to a whole new level. Imagine a virtual Ecency by @eceny team where my dearest mentor @melinda010100 supports new users that join the virtual Ecency space, now that would be something special.

Through this, people from all over the world could meet in virtual spaces for conferences, collaborative projects as well as other related activities. So just like how communities on Hive create their shows on Discord, it could all be done on Hive but not just the same, even better with AR and VR. It will not only enhance communal ties but would add fun to collaborations as well.

What happens when we combine VR and AR with the Hive blockchain? Your guess is as good as mine friends. We may start living in a completely different way regarding digital content, trading goods, educating ourselves on various topics among other things. If you think TheRingMaster is active now, well when this happens I might just live on Hive, hehehe just kidding.

As VR and AR continue advancing towards maturity I know Hive will shape our way forward into this awesome future. It’s something I’m looking forward to seeing happen in reality soon.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I hope you enjoyed this particular blog. Hope to get your feedback.

  • What other things will be cooler on Hive with Virtual and Augmented Reality? Let me know in the comments friends.


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I remember the movie Blade Runner the newer version and it had so many elements of Augmented Reality which made me wonder how that concept can be implemented somehow in our real world somehow and with the future you are citing the possibilities of that happening is eminent.

Wow big bro.. I'm most definitely going to check out that movie 😍😍 indeed bro we merging augmented reality with our world is going to literally create a whole new era of our world. Thank you so much for commenting big brother. Really appreciate it.. !PIZZA

You have succeeded on taking me on an imagination world. You know I kept on imagining at every line I read how virtual Hive would become and how fun it will be...

Wow really, I'm so happy I was able to do that.. there's a really exciting future for all of us on Hive.. I just can't wait.

Two Hive Fests (2020 and 2021) were in VR. Check YT channels...

Will do🥰

Yeah the hive would be an interesting virtual world be something different in every corner.

Absolutely you're right on that one bro💯

You said:

Hive is Web 3 but we engage on the platform the same way we engage on other Web 2 platforms; on our phones by writing content, comments, clicking Upvote buttons and making token transactions.

I disagree, I do almost NOTHING on my phone, especially if I am away from home and my own secure WIFI.
I have a very fast HP Victus gaming PC (I don't game tho) with Nvidia video processing, why on earth would I mess with that tiny screen and even tinier keyboard?

I hope to god all this AI that is being PUSHED onto me every where I turn is a fad.

Sure, it is a useful TOOL in many aspects, but I can't see it being anything but a bane, annoyance and outright risk to my peace and security.
Good post tho.


Thank you so much for the comment dearest sir... Well I guess you're absolutely right on that, I have to add that we can interact on PC as well and not just phone 🥰🥰 thanks so much for the contribution and correction it was very helpful