I took on the mammoth task of buying/selling another large lot of Warhammer miniatures.
With my PC crashing and my hobby fund not yet nearly "matured", tank goodness that I decided to split the lot with others.
Three of my friends pitched in, buying up about 60% of the whole lot putting me quite far forward in the progress to save for it all.
I should be paying the guy around 65% of the total, maybe more, by this weekend and with that deposit, he will give me the lot.
Then I can distribute models and focus on generating the money for the rest.
How will I generate? By posting about my hobby of course!
Donations are also welcome!
It is a pity I could not take 100% of this lot for myself but I AM gaining 3 Epic Heroes I dont have in my collection plus some more units!
With my laptop down, this has stressed me out a bit. But I think I shall be OK.
Thank you so much for all the support!