I have done it!
I have managed to successfully, with will-power alone, managed to cut out my bad Mobile phones time wasters! I have been yearning for this ability and thought about it so much.
Eventually I capitalized on the idea when I got tired of first one and then another of the fatal mobile time wasters!
What are the time wasters? Let's discuss them one by one!
Much like the bomber pigeon plummeting to earth in a roll (and some going splat on the ground), the Death-Scroll involves any and all repetative scrolling through social media and websites for small little bits of entertainment that keep us entertained.
Facebook, Youtube Shorts, Instagram, 9gag, you name it! Enough is enough. It seems that a person is just hanging on to those platforms for the hope of a little hit of dopamine from a funny or a nice comment.
This is a KILLER of our free time. Free time could be spent on all sorts of things that we mean to do but never do because we are deathscrolling.
Mobile Games
The other one is mobile games. I love games, and often a person keeps some sort of time waster on your phone for when you get stuck in a que or a waiting room for some sort of meeting. It helps to pass the time.
HOWEVER How many games are designed so that it hooks you in to spend time on an event and gives you daily login bonuses?
Mobile game creators earn money from ads that are watched to open certain loot chests, or to skip certain waiting times or grant some other sort of bonus.
No matter how you cut it, it is too easy to get a sense of accomplishment from these games as you are constantly winning something, upgrading something, unlocking something.
But this does not help you forward your OWN agenda! You are stuck playing or scrolling and this does not benefit you in the long run.
Well... I have been thinking about it for a long time.
I have known that it was wasting my time while I was busy deathscrolling. Or while I was busy finishing up a mission detail of some sort.
What I needed to do what look at what my goals are and then commit 100% towards those goals. I needed to choose one of the two above first and then I worked my way up to both.
I needed to tell myself: Why Deathscroll when I could be on Hive? Why watch shorts when I could paint or read?
You then need to decide on what is important to you. You then go into that thing, remember well enough that pit of darkness and how east it is to just sit down with that device and just scroll...
But this is damaging to yourself, it is something that will just eat at your mind. It will eat your creativity, productivity, creativity and resolve!
These are the first things one should learn about themselves - how to generate your own resolve!
Well... time to get busy with the things that I intend on getting done!