Hey Hive family. Looks like this will be a long haul.
On the positive side, I can now go for short walks multiple times a day. This is essential for my circulation. I did not know I COULD do it until the doctor told me that I could.
I have never spent this much time in a hospital before... I think I spent two or three night after an assault.... hmmm... this time was different.
I had a really hard time the second night.
Now I have to look towards the future and what I can do blogging wise... I am terribly behind with my Warhammer 40k Reviews and soon the new Codexes will be out and the Indexes will be shut down.
Quite a few rules are changing and thus I am keen on reviewing the old stuff so a comparison can be drawn!
So I will try and motivate myself into getting busy... of course I will rest as well... but I think it will be good for myself to get some things done!
Hold thumbs!