Last week was a very busy work week for me. At the same time, my fiancé was also audited at work. The factory where she works is also very busy during these inspections. As if that wasn't enough, my sister, who is an English teacher at the same time, spent a lot of time in private lessons. So she is actually trying to earn money. Still... also a lot of my friends told me that they had a busy week. So we didn't talk much on whatsapp.
I don't know if this thought appeared because i felt lonely or lost. Or just realizing that the life is... harder then before?
All of this has made me realize much better that; we spend our lives so that others can get rich. Most of us work for the boss. We are either sweating in a factory or in a company. Most of us are not in the job we love. We don't do what we dreamed of and we didn't chase the dreams we had as children.
Life slaps hard.
For example, when I was young, I had a friend who wanted to work in the fire fighting department. Now he's working at restaurant. He's not happy. He's gained weight, for example. He doesn't even have his dream body, let alone his dream job.
Anyway, what I want to say here is not a personal development article like our dream job or how to make our life better right now. I cannot tell you why you should choose x job or why you should not choose y job. It is not my place. Everyone has their own life.
The only thing I want to say is this, please remember that your life is: one and only.
We have maybe 50 winters to live. There are 50 summer vacations, maybe.
So every time should be savored. Yes, there are busy periods and there are times when workplaces are very busy. There will be busy in the future. But if we wear ourselves out during these times, if we don't make time for our family, what is the point of life? Just so the companies and bosses can get rich?
It is our decision whether to smile or sulk after we are very tired and come home.
Life can be really harsh. But we will see our wife and child maybe only 50 springs. Our dog probably only 10.
I don't want to beat around the bush. I'm not going to reduce the quality of the time I spend with my family so that others can get rich. They can hire a second employee if necessary. To be honest they should. Remember how much you are working in your office. Most people are working for 3 people, but getting paid for only one.
Of course there are people who want to work much harder than me, who want to climb the ladder two or three at a time and become a CEO.
I think they also want to provide a better life for their families financially. Maybe there may be people who behave this way just because they are ambitious.
But I have become a more spiritual person, especially after I started to question the concept of family.
Man can change. 5 years ago I wanted to become Metal Rock Star. Attention, woman, fame... Now I only want more holidays so I can travel with my family. Passive income so I can eat. Pay my basics. See the world and pet the dog.
One should not forget the value of a small flower we buy for our wife or a small toy we buy for our child on our way home. It is absolutely traumatizing to lose someone you love before spending "enough time" together. Which is never enough.
Thank you for reading.
I hope that the best will find you, always 🙏
Image Stefan Schweihofer to Pixabay'