Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to reflect back on something I heard on a podcast the other day and how powerful it was!
Wounds Create Wisdom
Wounds Create Wisdom. Damn that was a powerful line!
I was listening to a podcast the other day, Jack Kruse was being interviewed by Danny Jones. Jack Kruse seems to be a controversial person himself, but I like some of the things he says. He is a bit extreme on some of his topics, but we all have our stuff.
One of the lines that Jack Kruse dropped during the end of the podcast though was something really powerful for me! Wounds create wisdom. That is so true!
As a species, we tend to learn the best from our hardest challenges. Those that cause us the most pain and suffering are ones that we don't want to endure again, so we pay attention and analyze that a lot more than we do other things. That was a really interesting thing to think about, and it goes to how we are in the modern world in a lot of ways I think.
Could the chaos of the evil people pushing the narratives they are, be the impetus for why some things happen the way they do in the world? That is entirely possible, as challenging as it may be to think of it that way. Could we have had breakthroughs in science, technology and other avenues in life if we didn't suffer through pain? Perhaps not!
Some of the best breakthroughs we have in life, unfortunately, are ones where we dig in because we had a really deep and traumatic issue in our lives. I don't know specific scientific examples but I suspect that what is driving some of those from an underlying perspective is that the people who were doing it were really inspired because of some sort of pain they experienced earlier in life that led them to pursue their fields with such fervor.
Those things are also factors in many aspects of lives for people I know personally. For example, one of the most successful people I know financially had some brutal trauma in his childhood where he saw somebody close to him murdered. It absolutely caused all kinds of trauma to his life but it also gave him incredible drive to move forward in the work realm and he is one of the nicest people I've ever met. Being incredibly successful while also being incredibly kind is not a common trait with a lot of those types of people.
I know that for myself, although I don't fancy myself anything special, I do know that the biggest breakthroughs in terms of changing behaviors and things that I do arise from situations that are causing me a lot of pain and angst. I was not the best father in the earliest parts of my sons life and that pains me to think about today, but I got a good kick in the ass a couple times by my wife which I sorely needed. Until I got those kicks in the ass and felt the pain of what would happen if I didn't, I wasn't living up to who I should be. Without those wounds, I wasn't gaining the wisdom that I needed to be who I am supposed to be, and who I am today.
It's remarkable what a few words can make us feel and understand on various levels. I don't know either of those 2 dudes on the podcast from a hole in the wall but listening to them talk, and the profound things I was learning really brought me to a different level reflection that I actually really needed thinking back about it. Really amazing how a few words can send us down a mental direction the way it did!
What about you, do you agree with the Wounds Create Wisdom idea? Let me know in the comments!
-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated
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