I don’t know exactly when, where, or how it started. Yeah, I have a round about idea when I started to wall myself off from the rest of the world. If you ask my wife and kids, it was about the time my physical health started declining. It came full circle once my brain decided to short circuit a couple years ago. Truth be told, if you asked me, and I was being honest, I went completely dark to the world once I medically retired last year.
Other than a brother and a close cousin, who is like a brother, I rarely talk to anyone outside my wife and kids. Yep, I am a regular hermit. I joke that a hate people and why I don’t go out and stay off social media. Truth be told, that is bullshit, I don’t. I long for camaraderie I once had long ago. To start communication again with some of my old service buddies, reconnect with family members again, and get to know my neighbors better.
What is stopping me?
It is me. But that would be an oversimplified answer. If it was that simple and easy I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this. It would just be fixed with some self-help mumbo jumbo, and all would be peaches-and-cream. It has taken me some time to dig myself into this hole mentally, and no matter how much I tell myself, and no matter how much others tell me, I just can’t magically jump out of it.
So, what do I do?
I don’t sit on my ass and do nothing, that is for sure. I gradually got myself into this, so I figure I am going to have to work gradually to get myself out. Blogging here on Hive and sharing my thoughts with strangers is my first step. Sharing myself, letting it out, not being embarrassed anymore of who I am.
Embarrassed, of what?
Embarrassed of being less of the person I once was. The person everyone once knew me as. I was once a physically fit and mentally agile person. Now I walk in place for ten minutes and get out of breath. I do crossword puzzles to try and exercise my brain but fail at them miserably. For my issues that I have, I am young, early fifties. It is embarrassing to have someone ask my son if I am his grandfather because I look that aged now. Yes, that has happened on more than one occasion. Worse yet, a lady referred to my wife as my daughter once. It does bother me. I didn’t want to admit it until recently, but it does.
Should I care what others think?
I know I shouldn’t. The steps to take to ensure I stop giving a damn and not just say it is where I am at a loss. Just taking this step to write this post is a stretch for me right now, but I am considering it a step. But its not my first step. My first step was just commenting and making a few small posts here on the blockchain. Now this post is my stretch of a step. I am exposing myself some, mentally and personally.
Yes, I am uncomfortable, I am a little scared right now.
But let’s do this,
Note: Image source Canva.com