in #hive-1261522 months ago

I began working in a new department two weeks ago, prio to my promotion, there was a lot of lapses in there, such that the workload was left on one person, while others seems to just do nothing, everything left for just one person, so while i went there, for the first day it was juat me familiarizing myself with the assistance there, then they began working with the same routine they did with the former staff, after what seems like two weeks i had to began restructuring and resetting the entire department, i knew these change won't be easy yet i had to do it, cause i knew what i was aiming for, ofcourse the change wasn't one that would please everybody, so some of the staffs working with me started showing off attitude.

"The Change was Necessary"

Change they say is constant and usually the process of change is not a pleasing one, its very hard, painful, very unpleasing, it's like undergoing a transformational change, shedding off old skin and growing anew form, adapting to something new,

Its such a very difficult decision to make considering other factors that would be affected alongside it, but nevertheless if its a necessary decision you have to make, then it has to be initiated every other thing will fall in place.

basically we are scared of the future cause its filled with the unknown, so because of these uncertainty we feel its better to stay on course with what we have and were we are, these basically the reason why you see a lot of persons can stay on a particular thing doing it for a very long, because they are scared of the future filled with uncertainty...

Change is a necessary aspect of living cause everything evolves, grows and dies, nothing is ever the same, so for the time being utilise all you have within and around you to it fullest, activate your full potential , adapt, adopt and grow ...thats the way of life...


The only thing I observed that is permanent in this planet, that is CHANGE.