in #hive-12615217 days ago

I really feel its getting excited by the day, that feeling of ownership, self awareness, being in charge or you can opt to say that bossy feeling, yah thats pretty much it here, but just come with me, let's digress a lil bit off the radar, then we'll be back to the matter at stack here.

You see this three powerful word upthere is probably the reason why some people really can't get it together, when it comes to fulfillment, accomplishment, like the arrival mentality, so its all seems like chasing the cloud thing, never ever getting it, one of them is


You see years back i recall the first time i heard it....HUMAN WANTS ARE INSATIABLE i understood the fact in that, human wants are ever increasing so the only resources needed to make all that possible is money so thats why, the more money one gets the more they want to get, so now it becomes a thing of prestige who owns the most expensive luxury, who has more money, to out perform, to outshine , to top the list, most times this gets to become a matter of desperation, which in other words could lead to anxiety when certain predicted outcomes are not actualized.

However the sense of ownership becomes possible when one is able to create a syestem that runs perfectly without having to worry, become anxious, because a system that is able to sustain itself, a channel a stable source of income, in some case multiple streams sources of income was created to build wealth, so therefore worrying is taken care of, contentment sets in.


THE self awareness of ownership will definitely breed that sense of Responsibility, responsibility comes in because the need to protect, keep the channel, the source up and running, that sense of being responsible for what you owned becomes a priority, for instance when we were kids, literally everything was done for us, then at some point our parent began to allocate task to us, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, watch your clothes, simple home task like that to keel you on your feet, to tell you you are gradually leaving the petty petty childhood stage in live, then as you grow, you began to need somethings mummy and daddy won't give so in order to owned it, you began to take responsibility for them get a job, get paid then own it, then you grow much older get a girl, get married, begot children, relatives extended families, now more and more responsibilities pilling up..

The sense of Responsibility to me is the greatest point in anybody's life because of the awareness in it, to stand tall, to be responsible, to own the blame accept the fault, this is were a lot of people get it all wrong if something goes wrong they cast the blame on everything and everyone except themselves which goes on to put you behind the wheel, you are on the seat to determine the course of direction that leads to your destination.


People become obsessed, anxious, desperate because of lossing control over an aspect of their lives so they worry as to why things went south, control connotes ownership Responsibility, being in charge to protect, to direct, to determine an outcome, for some reasons i can't tell how it occurs but last night I felt an overwhelming feeling to take control, over the course of mylife, all of a sudden i feel i have let so many things determine the outcome of mylife, so many things had occured in my past that has changed the course of my life forcing me to be headed towards a different direction, circumstances, situation beyond our control has made us do certain things naturally we wouldn't, stire us into ways that were not in our course in life...in other to allign these three principles it all began in making that decision to take over control and Be Responsible for everything, every occurance, and every outcome in your life.