Time And Money

in #hive-1261524 months ago

Time and money, two things you can never have enough in life, but that's just my opinion and I may be wrong as we are not all the same. Some have enough money, others have enough time, maybe more than they need. And there are those who don't have either.

This week I saw a tweet from someone I don't know, listing 16 different apps, channels, from music, sports, to movies, all subscription based services. The account said people are subscribed to these services, then they wonder where their money has gone at the end of the month. The tweet made me smile for a reason I'm going to reveal shortly.


This tweet came up in my feed because someone I follow replied, he said he had 9 subscriptions, but he's going to cancel them all and buy a certain token. While the first part might be true, the second part of the statement seemed like a joke to me.

I had a look at the list of apps, channels and had to realize, I am not subscribed to any of those services and could only recognize 10 out of 16. Shameful? I don't know, it depends on how you look at it.

So why did the tweet made me smile? Because I remembered Emperor always saying, people complain about not having time to study trading, but the most likely are busy watching Netflix every day, or another (sh*tshow) platform I prefer not to name here. To me, this is always funny, because in some cases most likely this is true, but also, you can't convince or force people to drop watching TV and start studying. They need to do this step themselves, but only after realizing they need to study.


Entertainment has always been part of our lives and will be in the future too as it's not only a form of rewarding yourself, but a way of relaxing as well. It's easier to watch TV, forget about your problems or your own life and live other people's life for a few hours, through those programs, movies.

We live in the digital era. Having all programs, apps at our disposal has never been easier. All you need to do is have the necessary device or devices and pay for those services.

The big question is, do you need all those subscriptions, or it is just to fit the expectations of society. Telling someone you don't have Netflix makes you an outsider, an outdated dinosaur, old fashioned or whatever you want to call those who don't have the latest of everything. I'm putting my hand up right now as I'm in this category and I'm not ashamed of it. It is not because I can't afford the new shiny things, but because I don't need most of them.


Now, obviously it comes down to each individual to decide what they need, what they want and what they can afford to pay for. The message Emperor posted was meant for those who are literally complaining each day about how tough life is, how cost of living is sky rocketing and so on.

Years ago I had a friend who one day came across a good holiday offer she was not prepared for financially, but decided to take it anyway. She asked me for some money, just in case something unpredictable happens to her while on holiday. Back then, the money I gave her, money was half of my monthly salary and the deal was she's paying me back one month after returning.

Two years passed from her return and I still didn't see a penny, while she was constantly buying herself all the new shiny gadgets, clothes and pampering packages, because she said she deserves all those. With friends like her, you don't need enemies. It's just that I have my limits too, so I told her I don't ever want to see her again. Needless to say, it came as a shock to her, because most likely it has never crossed her mind that she's doing something wrong, or that I could make such a drastic decision. I would do it again in a split second, but I have grown a lot emotionally since then and don't keep people like her in my life anymore. My friend had to learn the had way and I truly hope she has learnt her lesson and has not done such thing ever since.


You see people like her every single day. Going from one loan to another, always in debt, while spending more than they can afford, on things they most likely don't need, while complaining about never being able to make ends meet. Walking the same path and expecting a different outcome never works out and the sad news is, they don't listen to anyone either. It's sad to see them struggling with the problem and not being able to make an effort to get out of the slavery they have created for themselves. It's a good lesson though, if you are willing to learn from it.

I really admire those who are willing to work two jobs, take any extra opportunities to be able to save and change their lives. Trying to fit the mood and the expectations of others, with a lifestyle you can't afford, is a very bad idea.

Now you may ask, what do the photos have to do with the story. Absolutely nothing. I just had these from last year, when I visited a zoo and posted them.

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Consumerism is common these days. There is a saying that if you want to lose a friend, lend him money

You're very right. I remember a movie with Robert de Niro, called Bronx Story. One of the mafia bosses said to de Niro's boy, be lucky you get rid of your friend so cheap, after he could not get his $20 back from his friend.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jlinaresp(4/10) tipped @erikah

Nice philosophy on life. I don't do apps, don't need them in my life. never seen netflix have no interest. I guess in some ways I am glad that I am old, I fear for the younger generation glued to their screens flicking aimlessly from screen to screen, why? get in the real world, forget all these non entity 'influencers" Live your own life your own way. FOMO syndrome.
I read an article the other day that says you can now buy an app controlled kettle, FFS!!! why it is only an on off switch. This world is going to hell in a handcart.

I did wonder about the pictures LOL

I fear for the younger generation glued to their screens flicking aimlessly from screen to screen, why?

To fit the mood and the expectations of others, because that's the trend. FOMO syndrome as you say! Spot on.

Lol, app controlled kettle may be good for disabled people, but come on, where is this world heading? 😁 My sister-in-law has an app for her washing machine, which I can understand, but a kettle?

I knew some people would be wondering about the photos 😄

Human form will change fingers will become longer and thinner muscles will change as the less manual labour we do and the more time we spend on technology.
I would say the photos are a way of drawing people in. Nowt wrong with that

🤩 !PGM

I'm curious... Your former friend... She didn't remember she had money she owed you or she she thought she deserves it and paying back is optional?

She knew the terms of our agreement because she was the one determining them, she knew it's a loan till she gets back, but her needs were far more important than anything else. I remember I had to have surgery at one point, chances of having cancer were high and I phoned her to tell I need the money. Not even that made her to get my money back. Good thing I did not need it as I'm not like her. Buying home cinema system by taking out a loan from the bank and going on trips were more important to her. She gave my money back eventually, but left it in the mailbox. I suppose a face-to-face would have been too much to handle for her.

I remember I had to have surgery at one point, chances of having cancer were high and I phoned her to tell I need the money. Not even that made her to get my money back.

That's incredibly insensible and self-centrist behavior if she didn't give your money back after such a conversation.

I hope things turned out ok on the health side.

Yes, these were heavy things and all piling up, till I had enough. The story is more complex, there were even worse things like this, so I had enough. (My mom was diagnosed with cancer and she passed away after 1.5 years. My dear friend vanished from my life completely, then after my mom's passing, she came back, telling me what I should do with my life. That's when I dumped everything she's done on her and told her I don't want to see her again.)
If you can't trust your friends and rely on them during hard times, better not have them. This is a classic example of with friends like her, you don't need enemies.

Oh, thank you Adrian, it wasn't cancer after all and I'm fine now, but it was a wake up call, to show how short life can be.

Ah, so sorry to hear about your mom! That's a tough blow to take, especially since she passed away so quickly (in cancer "time"). My grandma had cancer and somehow she lived with it for 7 more years, but it was tough, especially on my mom (I was mostly away in school).

Yeah, you're better off without your so-called friend. It's hard to have to deal with something terrible in your life and with the disappointment of seeing the way she vanished from your life when you needed her. There are people like her. The good times kind of friends. Totally unreliable when you need them in hard times.

And I'm sorry for your grandma. My mom had pancreatic cancer, which has one of the lowest survival rate, if not the lowest.

Yeah, you know the saying about good friends. It was a good lesson for me and I'm glad I don't have to see her again. Italians say meglio perdere che trovare. Which means better to lose her than to find her.

I had a colleague a few years ago who took loan from me. He refused to pay as promised. However, he was living an extravagant life. It is a bad habit. Just like you stated, such a category of people hardly take advice. They do their things without considering the emotions of others. Thank you for the awesome piece.

I love the pictures. I love animals. In the second picture where we have a girl, is the animal there a cat?


People who don't pay their loan back don't deserve anything in my opinion and the faster you get rid of them, the better.

No, what you see on the photo is a white tiger cub. A very cute one. Looks like a toy, isn't it?

Wow... Beautiful... I actually thought it was a cat. But how safe is it in company of humans as it grows?

I took this photo at the zoo, so there's a very thick glass between the animal and visitors. You're not allowed to keep these wild animals at home, for the obvious reason.

It's unfortunate when people prioritize material possessions or instant gratification over their own financial stability. It's important to live within our means and make responsible choices to secure our future.Thank you for sharing your insights @erikah !🫶💕

You're absolutely right! I hope she has learnt her lesson.

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Interesting and inspiring read Erika. I´m with you on the "no subs team". I mean technically as some of the apartments that we rented in various places came with the bonus of prepaid Netflix but I didn´t pay that myself, it was a part of the rent :) However, I cannot really agree with you on the statement that people can never have enough money and / or time in their lives. This is the typical mindset / mantra of the "rich" cultures, mostly Europe, US etc. But when you "venture" into some other parts of the world, like Africa, Latin America or some Asian regions, you will see people who are perfectly happy with little to no money and the time that they are left with after they finish their work or whatever it is. When I lived in Latin America, my lifestyle, way of thinking and pretty much everything was very different too. Here in Europe (at least Western, Central and Northern Europe), the environment that we created is very competitive and stressful, kind of forcing you into the rate race. I don´t like it and honestly, I have been having a hard time fitting back into what people consider the norm here. Anyway, just my two cents. And some TipU cents hehe :)

@tipu curate 7

However, I cannot really agree with you on the statement that people can never have enough money and / or time in their lives.

This depends heavily on who you are, where you live and so on. I personally am 50/50 on this, meaning I can have enough money, greed is not something you can say about me, but time is a different matter for several reasons.

You're right, I know people from other continents live a simple life and they are happy. I admire them, but somehow I can't see myself living that lifestyle.

It's perfectly ok to disagree. We are all different and this is why this world is so colorful.

Thanks for the nice comment, for tipu as well. Have a nice day my friend, I hope Flora and family are ok 😊

I think one of the biggest gifts one can get is being able to be happy with what you have :) And this is something people in the (materialistically) rich and (technologically) advanced countries often lack. Being grateful for what they have. Cause the environment constantly forces them to want more.

My pleasure Erika. Have a lovely day yourself too :)

Many people are living vicariously through others digital sharing or streaming. I try to live real life whenever possible. I think that is my attraction to gardening. Seeing something grow. Caring for it. Being rewarded with the beauty of life or maybe even some home grown food.

I have a strict policy with family and friends. Only gift money don't loan. It prevents you from both destroying relationships and from "loaning" out money you can't afford to not get back.

Now you may ask, what do the photos have to do with the story. Absolutely nothing.

🤣😂🤣 yes I was desperately seeking a deeper meaning as I read your post ...

Real life always take priority over the virtual world. I used to say, if I turn my device off, the virtual world does not exist anymore and then what are you left with? And it's true.

Lol, you were confused about the photos too 😁😂 I see it's a good joke, I should do this more often 😀

And yes, money and friendship ... we know hot it ends.

You nailed this, and as I read, it tallied with my post made yesterday.

It is just funny how this statement is a deep truth attached to it;

then they wonder where their money has gone at the end of the month.

I once visited a friend 2 months ago, and she asked me what I do for fun, and I said reading, being on Hive, and well relaxing. She asked about different apps that are trending, trying to know if I were in any, but I said no, and she looked at me like I was weird😂😂. I told her not to worry about me and that I am living a fun life without these things.

who don't have the latest of everything.

Also, I can boldly say I am not ashamed either, and I sure will raise not just my hands but my full body up knowing I don't fancy these things.

I have met people like your friend. They are the menace in our society who see no wrong in taking from people and not paying back but will take a loan out to get the trending clothes, bags, and shoes. I don't just like trending things. Lol.

Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. Happy Thursday! It's a great day to enjoy the beauty of the sunshine and nature and enjoy your day at work as well. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.

Yes, people tend to see you as a weirdo if you dare to step out of what is considered a norm these days and living in debt neck deep is also something usual these days. Each of us can decide what we want. It's not easy to take a different route, but it's rewarding for sure.

Yes, it sure is rewarding. What's the essence in putting one's neck into a loan that'll bring unnecessary stress. I can't just understand and prefer not to.

I am the type that doesn't go by what's trending but what I feel I want for myself. It may look weird to know that I don't watch Netflix no matter how much people talk about it, and others apps like such...some of my friends already said I am old fashioned but the thing is that I only go for what I need at a particular time and not the expectation of the society.. maybe sooner or later, I may start subscribing to those services? Who knows

Funny how people can burn their time on certain things that gives pleasure but can't learn something they can earn from it, rather they see it as a chore

Talking about your friend, i see it as cheating , for someone to borrow from a friend and in few weeks or months, she start shopping on latest trends without first clearing her loan. I think i have a similar policy will you...I don't have patience to keep those kind of people in my circle because they are just bunch of set backs!

Btw, I found this post on #dreemport

Funny how people can burn their time on certain things that gives pleasure but can't learn something they can earn from it, rather they see it as a chore

It's easier to take do nothing and complain, then to give up comfort and make an effort. Those who succeeded in life made considerable effort, which is most likely is not visible.

As about my friend, she could not think of anyone but herself ant took things for granted, till one point. I cut out a bunch of people from my life since then. I'm not living to please others.

Oh friend @erikah... Nice post and very thoughtful!... We should all read something like this at some point in our lives, I think!... I, more than 13 years ago, found myself completely immersed in a world of overwork, lack of time for myself and hundreds of financial commitments related to credits. Even my health was being affected and all this made me make a radical decision regarding my way of life... Since then I have a lot of time for myself, I live just what I need and I do more and more of what I like to do! (photographing things, meditation, yoga, reading and spending time with my family and pets)... My case is an exception to the rule here in societies as affected by the crisis as our country's... But I think I made a step in the right direction... I read in your post about the issue you had with your friend's loan, I'm sorry you went through that, but it happens more than we think, I also experienced similar things...

Now you may ask, what do the photos have to do with the story. Absolutely nothing. I just had these from last year, when I visited a zoo and posted them....

Haaahaaaaahaaaa :)) This made me laugh a lot!.. Thanks for sharing!...

PS: I'm only subscribed to Star+ where the ESPN sports channel is listed and where I can watch some football (especially the Real Madrid Team) from time to time, hehehe :))... For the rest I prefer physical books and audio books!...

!discovery 40

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@erikah! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (3/5)

I think there's a cycle in each person's life. First, when you're young, you want to be famous and appreciated by everyone and maybe this is the phase when most people would do anything to fit in, including spending foolishly for appearances. Then you realize you're working against yourself and change. It's just that some people never do. I'm glad you were able to turn your life around and see the meaning of life. I love books too, but unfortunately due to studying, I have very little time to read and what I read now is heavily related to trading.

Have a nice weekend my friend!

I will start the photos first, they are beautiful and I like them. ❤️
Now to the post, it's just sad that some of us do things just to belong to a certain class or group even when we know for sure we do not have the wherewithal to maintain that class. The only option is to take up loans, borrow just to meet up which is even worse.
I just love myself for who I am, any affiliation that will make me live above my means, is a goner for me. I have priorities in life.

Just like you, I raise my hands above my head as one who doesn't have Netflix or any of those new things. I'm more than old fashioned and I love it that way, everyone mustn't be crazy about these things.


Thank you @luchyl, I thought I'd use these photos for this post and was a good decision as some of you started wondering what the photos have to do with the post.

Now to the post, it's just sad that some of us do things just to belong to a certain class or group even when we know for sure we do not have the wherewithal to maintain that class.

If you look at the bigger picture, half of the developed countries live like this. Bigger houses, more expensive houses, travels and so on, just to show off.

I'm glad to read you're not one of them.

As I was reading this post, I flashed back to a course mate some years ago, who would always buy more clothes every month, even take loans just to fill her wardrobe but always complaining and begging when she is out of money to feed.

So also, I was also subscribing to different services before, and at the end of the day would start thinking where my money went, how did I spend it? No one talked to me, I changed when I saw how it was eating me up and not making me save.

This thing is all about decisions and mindset. We all are different.. for some, no matter how much you preach to them, they won't listen until they learn the hard way just like that my course mate while we have the ones who would change and stop. Then we have those who never did those subscriptions because they have a purpose for their money and importantly, to live a good lifestyle.

Time and money are two things in our lives that we must utilise to make the best out of something extraordinary. While some have one and not the other, others have both and should consider themselves lucky.


People like your course mate will find themselves alone at some point in their life. They are bad influence and are just profiting from others.

This thing is all about decisions and mindset.
