
in #hive-12615220 hours ago

Disinformation, like it or not is a weapon of control that has many years and has been more visible by the advancement of technology and different social networks before there were few people with critical thinking before there were few people who questioned and saw information and only assumed that to be read and seen in a renowned television network accepted it as real many journalists depend on the orders of his master, that is, the owner of the newspaper or television station who appoints an editor according to his interests and orders his servants what they can and cannot write or speak if someone goes off script they are simply fired.

Sometimes I get annoyed by people who think they are smart, but are complete idiots do not realize that the main promoters of fake news on social networks are the same media that feel threatened I can give thousands of fake news themselves do not want to brainwash and say that the internet is a dangerous place a sea of lies that they are the ones who possess the absolute truth and they would never lie if as we should not only believe the official media and some people no matter how many times I explain it a thousand times would not understand that the mass media are not interested in communicating truthful and timely, but in propagating the news that are aligned to their interests and they are willing to lie as many times as necessary for them to get audience and go viraland I can prove it with thousands of fake news propagated by traditional media.

For example there are many news that the big news networks broadcast that were false and we have discovered thanks to the blessed internet if I agree that there is a lot of disinformation a lot of lies no one can deny that, but there is also a lot of knowledge many times the truth leaks and that is something that bothers the media and governments because they do not have total control as they had before when the internet did not exist so the best thing for them is to demonize the internet and social networks and that the only truth is the one transmitted by the official media that they themselves control, for example, I remember reading many media talking about the nuclear bombs that Iraq had and spoke of the danger to humanity and nearby countries that spoke day and night of the same topic to justify the U.S. invasion of Iraq, but it is not something that only the united states media does, also the russian media transmits false news like the one about the crucified child in Ukraine and after a few days the war in Dombas in the east of Ukraine intensified and so it happens all over the world, but people although they have eyes do not see that we are deceived, always this kind of companies will be above the interest than the truth.

then who to trust the best in my opinion to question and ask ourselves to investigate in depth without a news is of much interest to corroborate the source that is real before sharing fake news the internet is powerful we can talk to people from other countries by different networks and ask how is the situation in a country for example a few days ago I was talking to a friend who was in France and told her the situation in my country.

What bothers me the most is that they say that the internet and social networks are the biggest spreaders of lies when ironically it was the traditional media themselves that created them and they have centuries of fake news making false news, maybe they are jealous that the internet and social networks are becoming more and more powerful and often leave in evidence their false news.


the photos published in this blog are my own property.

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