These lyrics are for you.

in #hive-1261524 months ago


Yesterday night I would have loved to hear you. I felt so lonely even though I was surrounded by company. I would have liked to know some advice or scolding, the truth is I don't know. I think many times I don't have enough strength to achieve it. I would have liked to smell you. What did you smell like? Was it roses? No, I'm sure you smelled like fresh almonds. I would have liked to believe in something. I see many mention a certain Jesus. The one who can do anything. It bothers me how he boasts of having a perfect world in heaven. That's why I detest the idea of belonging to any religious society. I will remain asocial until I have proof. I would have liked you to see the few things I have achieved little by little. Yes, I know it's a flaw not to take things seriously but this is my pace. It's slow but mine. I would have liked to capture your laughter in my memory for longer. I'm starting to be afraid of forgetting you, and I don't dare to look at our photos. I'm not that strong yet. I would have liked you to like the sky as much as me. That's why in some way I give myself photos of the sky, because it would be great to share them with you. Sunsets are the best, but I remembered you at this moment when I looked at the moon. I would have liked to imagine that somehow this would have reached you. That you could feel my art in some way. That you could hear it, feel it, and smell it. Because I only use art to tell you that I love you.

Spanish Veesion


En la noche de ayer me ubiera encantado escucharte. Me sentí tan solo aun estando rodeado de compañía. Me ubiera gustado saber algun consejo o un regaño, la verdad es que no sé. Creo que muchas veces no tengo la suficientes fuerzas para lograrlo. Me ubiera gustado olerte¿A qué olías? ¿Será a rosas? No, estoy seguro que olías a almendras frescas. Me ubiera ubiera gustado creer en algo. Veo a muchos mencionar a un tal Jesus. Ése que todo lo puede. Me molesta como se vanagloria de que tiene un mundo perfecto en el cielo. Por eso detesto la ideo de pertenecer a alguna sociedad religiosa. Me mantendré asocial hasta no tener pruebas. Me ubiera gustado que vieras las poquitas cosas que he logrado poco a poco. Sí, se que es un defecto no tomar las cosas con seriedad pero es que éste es mi paso. Es lento pero mío. Me ubiera ubiera gustado atrapar tu risa en mi retona por más tiempo. Me está dando miedo olvidarte, y no me atrevo a ver nietras foto. No soy tan fuerte todavía. Me ubiera gustado que te gustara es cielo tamto como mí. Por eso de alguna manera me regalo fotos del cielo, porque sería genial compartirlas contigo. Las de los atardeceres son las mejores, pero me acordé de ti en este instante que miré a la luna. Me ubiera gustado imaginar que de alguna manera esto te ubiera llegado. Que pudieras sentir mi arte de alguna manera. Que mudieras escucharlo, sentirlo y olerlo. Porque sólo uso el arte para decirte que te amo.