Dreaming with my eyes open and ...

in #hive-12615218 days ago

In constant action.

Breaks are important in everything. When speaking, when writing and also when living.

Getting up at 6:45 am, the pleasure of a coffee on the shore of the beach, in a place full of beauty and also of needs and a good company, would be the ideal next to my husband, I close my eyes and that's how I dream (currently after a heart attack he is very delicate, waiting for a coronary bypass).

I keep dreaming that while I drink that coffee and watch the fishermen of the area doing their work, my imagination flies thinking about everything that would be possible to do and it is not done.

This color of the dawn. This color of the dawn. It is the tranquility of the sea that quiets the spirit and leaves it as if soaking. And close with a deep sigh that says: Thank God for each of your blessings. Happy Sunday ends my weekend.And by the way, tomorrow is Monday.

You don't have to be a toxic positivist optimist, to face Monday, yes, what a bummer, we have to work. Any job is tiring or fatiguing so be a spectacular job.

But even if we don't like Monday, it's a day that gives meaning and structure to our life, that reminds us of the truth, the reality, that we have to get up early to be useful to our neighbor, that we have to produce money to pay rent and food.

Because that thing of asking for things without acting does not work, without moving removing that false mentality of getting rich, I say this because days ago I saw on a social network how to get rich in two days 🤠

In my experience perseverance, perseverance, discipline and not only the economic, but many other values are important keys to be successful. I speak from the reality that sustains these words that I write.

I like Mondays, the beginnings of the week, sunrises, because I find meaning in what I do. Of course it's within what I like, there are things that I don't like so much, but it's part of the process to my goals.

It seems like a lie when Monday starts, another week starts with new plans and quickly it's saying goodbye to the weekend, time definitely goes by fast.

We must break with that masochism of having a positivism that always hurts us and accept every day as it should be.

When I share what I write with you, I always assume the consequences with faith in who I am and where I come from, I don't try to compete with anyone at Hive I just write from my authenticity and congruence.

Happy day, down to earth.

Janitze 🌹

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL