What is not spoken ...

in #hive-1261522 months ago

It becomes a symptom.

Repressed feelings and unexpressed problems can manifest themselves in unexpected physical and emotional symptoms.

For example, a person who harbors resentment or anxiety about a problem with their partner, may experience chronic headaches or muscle tensions without an apparent medical cause.

These symptoms are usually a way for the body to communicate emotional distress that has not been addressed.

It is crucial that you do not face these difficulties alone. Talking about what you're feeling and exploring your emotions can be the first step towards resolution and relief.

Resolution and relief that when we ask ourselves right now, if our daily routine, for example, is like annoying us everything, if we are satisfied with what we are doing and the way we are leading life.

It is also good to check ourselves and become aware of the negative aspects of our personality that make our life lose quality, I mean those things that bother us about ourselves, that makes us come into conflict with our calm and peace.

The cell phone is the worst enemy in this time of collective anxiety. In fact, I command the fuck, which tells me that I can't feel bad at a certain moment.

I am reducing the use of the cell phone as much as possible, especially when I am rocking anxiously, if possible when that happens to me, I go for a walk for at least an hour around my house, if it is in nature better, I talk to the people I can, and of course I leave my cell phone at home.

After my walk I get home, take a shower and put on a movie, of course with the cell phone as far away from me, I can't turn it off, but I put it on mute and try to concentrate on the movie accompanied by a good nutritious and tasty snacks. I tell myself patience, stillness, peace and serenity...it's already good!

It's okay to give me a break.

Building moments of pause to disconnect, makes my space to reflect, meditate or just rest helps me recharge my energies and also helps me align my mind and body to build a healthy relationship with myself.

My self-care is not selfishness, but a way of understanding my emotions that also need attention, especially managing my "negative" emotions, and listening to what my body asks of me, so I maintain a stable energy to face the daily challenges.

I take being an adult in charge of myself very seriously, therefore, I make sure to give myself everything that is necessary to be well.

Happy day, may it be one of connection with you and your loved ones.

Janitze 🌹

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL