According to today's teaching, a winner is one who looks for the circumstances he desires and if he does not find them, he manufactures and invents them. This means that a true achiever does not settle for what life throws at him, but he actively works to create his own opportunities and make his dreams come true.
In addition, the teaching mentions that one does not reach the top by surpassing others or being radical on the keyboard, but by surpassing oneself. This means that true success does not come from beating others, but from overcoming our own limitations and reaching our goals.
It is also important to keep in mind that success is not always easy to achieve, and it is likely that we will face obstacles and difficulties along the way. However, it is important to remember that we should not give up in the face of difficulties. It's important to keep going, persevere, and keep fighting for our dreams, even when the going gets tough.
In short, success is a combination of perseverance, determination, and hard work. It's important not to settle with what life presents us, but to actively seek opportunities and work to make our dreams come true. Furthermore, true triumph does not come from beating others, but from overcoming our own limitations and reaching our goals. And although the road to success can be difficult, it is important not to give up and keep going, persevere and fight for our dreams. The true triumph is the achievement of surpassing oneself and reaching our goals.