Who has never made a mistake?

in #hive-1261527 months ago

Today I was very thoughtful and I found myself remembering the reasons why I fell in love with photography and like a dream where I went to the top and today I undergo psychological treatments to improve.

Well, the beginning of the story was that, you know when we need to feel beautiful? or loved ones? do the best things with the best people and then, if you make a mistake, that’s the end.

I grew up alone, I didn't have my parents around to teach me how to be calm and value things, I learned on my own that life wasn't like that. I always liked taking pictures of myself but I never loved myself through images, I think my loneliness at that moment made me really want to and the phobia made me suffocate.

So I gave up photography in 2022 but I didn't say goodbye completely, I continue to make moments remain forever. But I promise to come back stronger and make sure that my dream is not perfect but that I can feel the experience of it.

Today I'm here getting to know a new platform, a new community every day, this makes me happy because after everything I now live alone and take care of myself and I'm slowly learning that it's okay to make mistakes, that it's okay to fail. We are like this and we cannot lose ourselves.
Today's post I dedicate to all of us and our pains. Calm down, it’s okay to make mistakes, just always try to improve.


Hoje fiquei muito pensativo e me peguei lembrando dos motivos pelos quais me apaixonei pela fotografia e como um sonho onde cheguei ao topo e hoje faço tratamentos psicológicos para melhorar.

Bom, o começo da história foi esse, sabe quando precisamos nos sentir lindos? ou queridos? faça as melhores coisas com as melhores pessoas e então, se você cometer um erro, será o fim.

Cresci sozinho, não tive meus pais por perto para me ensinar a ter calma e valorizar as coisas, aprendi sozinho que a vida não era assim. Sempre gostei de tirar fotos minhas mas nunca me amei através de imagens, acho que a minha solidão naquele momento me deu muita vontade e a fobia me fez sufocar.

Então desisti da fotografia em 2022 mas não me despedi completamente, continuo fazendo com que os momentos permaneçam para sempre. Mas prometo voltar mais forte e ter certeza de que meu sonho não é perfeito, mas que posso sentir a experiência dele.

Hoje estou aqui conhecendo uma plataforma nova, uma comunidade nova a cada dia, isso me deixa feliz porque depois de tudo agora moro sozinho e me cuido e estou aprendendo aos poucos que não há problema em errar, que está tudo bem falhar. Somos assim e não podemos nos perder.
O post de hoje dedico a todos nós e às nossas dores. Calma, não há problema em errar, apenas tente sempre melhorar.


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The pictures do feel very personal. They say a whole lot. It's quite creative.

I guess We've got some similarities, you and me. Nice one!

Well, I think the essence of feeling is intimacy with ourselves.
I'll follow you now I love similar people with the same fire in their hearts

I love that word " Intimacy with ourselves." It speaks volumes.

I'm also pleased with people who see life from this point of view.


Mistakes are what makes us grow and improve on our lives as they would help us take some time to reflect on what we’ve done wrong and what could be done better moving forward.

Yes, before I didn't think like that, today I'm sure we need to avoid the error but it's already part of the package

Quem não errou não está vivendo direito. Simples assim.

tambem acho