Ohh, what a world!!!
Although years have passed, yet, I can't sleep throughout a week without remembering those tragedies that befell our family starting from the year 2006-2009.
Ahh, for good 3 years, tears didn't dry from our family. infact, we tagged it, black years because it was only filled with tears. Now, let me talk about different tragedies that befell our family those years.
On August 2006, my dad's only kid sister died after a brief ailment. She woke up hearty and healthy that very day. But while dressing up to go out, she felt sharp headache and shouted My head, my head. She was rushed to hospital but before reaching the nearest hospital, she gave up. Imagine! just like that we lost her. I cried bitterly because there was these cordial relationship between me and her and I was even planning to visit and stay with her throughout the next holiday season. Ahh, it was all like a dream.
Worse yet, while trying to cope with her death, in the year 2007, the husband of my mom's immediate sister was arrested because of minor community misunderstanding in July 2007 and was kept in the village council hall. 2 days later, as the family came out in the morning, they saw his corpse right in front of their door post. What a wicked world!!!
Base on research, they carried the man and hit his head on the village well and he died. Words can't express how terrible the experience was both to his wife, children and we their immediate relatives. A man that walked out from his house by himself now returned as corpse.
His death resulted to severe case and that prolonged his burial. On February the next year being 2008, he was buried. But, 3 months later, May 14th precisely, my lovely Dad kicked out the bucket 😭. It was as if Mr death just remembered our family and couldn't let us rest. He died at the age of 65. I never expected Dad to die. His death changed almost everything about me, both my view of people, emotional feelings and otherwise, because his own brother confessed that he was the one that killed him mysteriously just because Dad has so many lands.
My dad same year before he died
when dad was young
If to say Dad died without uttering a word, it would have been better for me because his last words while fighting for his life that morning before giving up is what I always do remember.
He looked at me and my sister standing beside him and said, So you people are here but couldn't help or fight for me? we will see in God's Kingdom. immediately, he gave up leaving me alone in this world as a fatherless. But, there was these my cousin sister that even cried more than me when Dad died. Why? ever since the father died and was buried, she sees my father as her father because we lived together years ago and my father took good care of her. Hmm, on Monday, the 28th day of July 2008, dad was buried.
7 months later, that my cousin sister who was 24 years then died mysteriously on a Sunday right inside church auditorium. Base on research, it's the madam that taught her sewing as a skill that killed her. According to the madam, she was asked to bring someone for ritual that's why she used my sweet elder sister for ritual. See how we came to know the truth.
Years later, about 5 years later, the madam tried using another of her apprentice who is somehow disabled and her cult rejected the offer and was bitterly angry with her to the extent they struck her with madness. On the process, she confessed how she have been using people she loved as ritual including my cousin sister.
Among all the death experiences we had for the past years, her's was the most ugliest because she was healthy and hearty but all of a sudden, she just fell and gave up immediately within a blink of an eye at an early stage in life. That very Sunday, none of us was able to hold the other. The mom cried and cried and our cries couldn't bring her back.
My prayer
My sole prayer is for God to remove such untimely death from us and for me not to always remember those incidents because it hurts.
I couldn't get all their pictures because am now living in town while their pictures are in our village house. Pls bear with me.