A salty meal is no delicious meal nor is a delicious meal a salt less or taste less one . The same can be said for a life with no clarity(no salt). Would you want a meal with no salt or one that's too salty that it could ruin your taste buds.
To me neither is better, but both can be eaten and at the same time enjoyed until you get the right amount for your meal and to your own taste. Clarity is that salt and life is the meal.
If i was ever asked(which I hope not) "what i perceive as a life worthwhile", I would never be able to say its one lived happily(the happily ever after type) nor one lived in suffering(no salt but it makes you appreciate every little addiction of salt until you hit the right amount).
Even a life of wealth and fame looks so abstract to me, cause really "who wants to be rich, wealthy and famous" - everyone does. Exactly my point, everyone wants to be rich, wealthy and famous but if everyone is, then no one is neither rich, wealthy nor famous.
All these can be a phase of life and tbh, nothing is wrong with wanting to be happy, wealthy and famous. But all these phases can never guarantee a fulfilled life nor one that's worthwhile on its own without some touch of clarity in it. And that's my one word for a life that I perceive to be worthwhile. Its could be a little too salty today but there's clarity there that - oh I guess I added too much today but let enjoy this today and not beat up yourself up over it.
Nothing can also fuck up man life than living without clarity and nothing can make a man's life worthwhile like a life lived with some touch of clarity. *a little salt would do but dont add too much salt(clarity) to the meal(life).
Nevertheless people in their own nature wants to be happy, wealthy and famous without bringing clarity to it I.e being clear as to why we want to be rich and famous. Likewise some people want pain. But wanting pain or having to suffer without clarity of why you had to suffer can make you suffer the more - all for no particular reason.
Just as i can be a pain-in-the-ass for some people right now (for this post being a long-ass post), I should not misinterpret it for being a Ha-Pi-ness-in-their-ass. When in reality, its the opposite.
I should be clear as to why I have or need to be in pain and why i cause other people pain or bring them happiness. It goes the same way too with our why we all think we should be rich and famous or poor and unknown.
Someone who's poor and unknown may be content, happy and joyful with his poor or tasteless meal while the rich and famous is not content with his meal making him feel more suffering and pain because he's just there because everybody seems to want to be there and he's always struggling to be there causing more and more harm to his soul.
Just as adding too much salt to a meal makes it salty and not adding it at all makes it flat, tasteless and unsatisfying, it doesn't imply we stop using salt in our meal. Salt as you see it is what makes the meal delicious and bring out the richness of the meal but depending on the measure we add and according to our taste bud.
Neither adding too much salt will make it more delicious nor too little will make it tasty. It is safe to say life in its very essence is a meal served to us and how we perceive it to be is what makes it delicious, salty or tasteless. I honestly don't know which is better but damn I want a delicious one but how do I add the right proportion to this meal. Thats should be easy - but really it isnt because the amount of salt needed for every meal served is not/never the same. its always changing - like a flowing river.
In this sense clarity is that salt measure needed to regulate our life. But the way it seems, clarity seems to have lost its purpose and its either we add to much clarity to our life's (too much certainty)or we don't bring clarity to(living by default) making us uncertain about everything.
Clarity you see is like that salt that can make a life worthwhile or worthless. It can make this life meal delicious but only when in moderation.
This means we need not bring clarity to everything or every aspect of life. The sun is mainly there to shine and that doesn't need to be clarified to a layman or add too much technicalities and concepts to why the sun shines else he might get fucked up mentally if he thinks too much about it all day with no reason. its not like he'll ever need to live inside the sun or steal it for himself(if that was possible). But he can have clarity on the fact that - hey the sun shines and does so everyday just like life gets us served everyday to enrich us with life energy.
He also don't need to bother himself too much about the mathematical terms or secret behind gravity when he can actually experience this when he throws a stone up and that it always seem to land on his head no matter how many times he tried. Also, he can feel the energy from the sun without paying the sun a visit in his tiny little rocket. These elements are more like the ingredients that life itself offers to us leaving us to do what we can when we can. You feel the sun during the day and the moon at night. Its has never been the other way round but longing for the moon iring the day is you trying to add too much salt to the meal, leaving us unsatisfied because we can't see what right in front of us - the sun.
You get the point. Clarity can manifest in wondrous ways and just as the scientist can be fascinated and live a life worthwhile by studying secrets behind gravity, it might get a layman depressed, sad or mentally unstable if you push everything to his face without him having a reason why he need to go that route. Because he doesn't find it fascinating nor fulfilling to study the sun, moon or some psychological concepts around everything that may have existed or may not exist(now I'm thinking dinosaurs for no reason, when the rats are running around and I can't just see them for what they are
In one sentence- Clarity is a simple term that can salt our life, making it either tasty or tasteless and in some cases or most cases too salty all depending on how we view and apply it in our life(Meal) I.e your perspective about life. It can all be different from the next person sitting next to you but you both are in the same continent, country, city and to the lowest degree in the same neighborhood.
Your life can be peaceful, interesting and healthy while your next door hitler is blurry, sad and unhealthy. It all depends on how much salt he adds and does not add. Its the same damn meal that gets served every moment - from the rising of the sun , crowing of the cocks, whispers from the birds , downpour of rain and murmurs by we humans. Its all a part of everything(the meal) but how it taste all depends on our day to day actions - the ones we do and those we don't.
Just as you can be having a positive experience about life and your nextdoor neighbors(not hitler this time, could be anyone really) the other way round. Nevertheless both positive and negative experience can have a good impact on ones life if clarity is brought to it. That way we can or could have learned a thing or two from both experience(painful or not, tasteful or tasteless) instead of complaining or whining as to why life sucks or doesn't.
Whereas its just life or rather - its just a meal. You fucked it up by adding too much salt or too little that it doesn't reflect in the meal(your life) at all making it flat and tasteless
To say it all I clearly don't have any idea or concept as to what a life worthwhile is or can be but this can be clarified by you and only you depending on your perspective about life, but a life without clarity of actions or thoughts I would disagree is a life at all(ever eaten a food with no salt for no reason?, I bet you haven't, unless its an health condition and you need to stay away from salt). But you can't arrive at a life worthwhile without some clarity, just don't add too much to it else you fuck up the meal of life.
But if you do
Everyday seem to offer a new chance at a new experience. And while yesterday may seem too salty, today could still be a delicious one depending on us, not what happens externally, but what we do and how we react to what's done to us. When some clarity is brought to all that, then you won't be depressed, sad or feel helpless because when the meal taste salty, you can just have a salty meal or a saltless one and just be at peace with both. you can add more or less the next time(day).
However while its delicious or salty today, it doesn't mean the next meal would be the same. But when clarity is brought to it you then see the whole meal and just be satisfied with the unsatisfying meal of life.