So I wanted to write a reply on your other post about the challenge. Or I did? LOL I can't remember. But I've read it and got me thinking too.
I was like: Erikah, count me in! 😄😄
Let's make it together but....nope. I forgot the other day.
Anyways, I'm glad you did it. I want to do it myself, hopefully from the beginning of February. I will be gone 3 days then and I want to try it only after I come home back. Until then, I'm just trying to cut all the sugary crap I am eating 🙃.
Btw, about coffee....I only drink coffee for about a half a year..I don't consider myself an addicted yet as I have days without.
I don't add sugar in my coffee, never. I just don't like the taste. I mean I can enjoy it sometimes but I don't need it. However, I drink my coffee with milk. And that's an issue because it's not healthy. I have an electric creme machine that makes milk amazingly creamy and fluffy and I love it with coffee and in top, a bit of dark cacao.
And btw, I saw that when I have this coffee in this form, I don't crave for sugar anymore. Somehow this taste its what I need. I can go without sugar if I have this coffee.
Let me see if I can find a photo of my coffee.
P.S. yesterday I was just thinking making your oatmeal cookie recipe. Lol 🤣🤣🤣 I am in love with it but hey! I will shut up as you are on a diet! Maybe next time we'll be on a sugar less diet together 🤔🤔😁💓