It could drain the purpose out of every relationship, word, emotion, sensation and activity
Given that I have at least one head-universe (it could just be one really big one or a multiverse, I haven't quite figured that part out yet), this reality being an illusion (or a delusion?) wouldn't faze me much (or isn't, I do think about it sometimes and we regularly joke about glitches in the Matrix and cracks in the simulation and the reason that people refuse to accept things or why nobody has realised something is because the simulation is actively preventing them as it currently doesn't have the content for "everyone" making this particular realisation, it's great fun XD), it then just becomes a case of make an interesting story/it's a roleplaying game (we often use CoD stats there too, like I have Wits 1 XD).
This sounds like the "good" version of CoD's God-Machine Chronicle (have you read/played it? XD though this one sounds much nicer and less likely to cause problems)
After the night/morning I've had, pulling Justice earlier and reading your rune pull was great.