The true essence of generosity

in #hive-1261522 months ago

Generosity is the act of giving without expecting anything in return, whether it’s through money or your time. Although, some people believe that the more you give, the more you will receive. There's no doubt about this since a portion of biblical passage supported it.

There's a saying that where your treasure is, your heart will be also. The same applies to money: where you spend your money shows where your attention is. This is why being generous is important; you will care more about the people or organizations you support and want to know how they are doing. You won't support people you think don't merit your resources.

However, being generous isn't just about money. It is important to know that that somethings, like time and attention, can't be bought. I also believe that making time for your loved ones is a form of generosity. Your family loves you not because of your money, but because you are a part of them. Although, many argue that some families aren't ready to support when you need them the most but expect you to always be there for them whenever the need arises.

Money certainly can buy things, but it takes a good mentor to help create a better future through constant motivation and support.

If you give only to get something in return, it's better not to give at all. True generosity means giving without expecting anything back. Some people give to expect something in return and, therefore, benefit themselves, but that's not being generous. Most time when you give you expect a return. You are bound to be disappointed.

In John Maxwell's "Make Today Count," he quotes Rabbi Harold Kushner: "The purpose of life is not to win, but to grow and to share. When you look back on your life, you’ll find more satisfaction in the joy you brought to others than in your victories."

If you give without expecting anything in return, people will trust and believe in you. Adding value to others should be our main goal. If you live only for yourself, you won't be remembered. But if you live for others, your legacy will live on. We might not remember our great-grandparents, but we remember past leaders who fought for our independence. People who live only for themselves aren’t usually remembered once they’re gone.

Remember that whatever we contribute to life will come back to us. The more love we give, the more love we receive. What we do, good or bad, comes back to us tenfold.

Our words and actions have lasting impacts. I remember my aunt, who was so mean that she had me removed from school while her kids continued. That moment i felt lost. I could still remember vividly. It was when i was in nursery one. today, I have graduated, and so has her son. I believe that what is meant to happen will happen. Whether you support someone or not, they will always find a way around it and live their life to the fullest.

Don't wait until you have millions to give. Money can’t replace time and attention. If you don’t have money, your time and attention are just as valuable. Believe it or not.


Thanks for the support at all times.