🔱The anxiety🔱

in #hive-1261524 months ago


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Almost no one talks about how difficult it is to have anxiety, many people confuse it with making a show or always wanting attention, but it goes beyond that, much beyond that, people who suffer from this disease find it difficult to relate to people. other people and they almost always develop it due to a traumatic event in their past that dragged them to that point, it is not something that is sought out, nor is it something that can be easily removed.

Casi Nadie habla de lo difícil que es tener ansiedad, mucha gente la confunde con hacer show o querer atención siempre, pero va mas alla de eso, mucho mas alla de eso, las personas que sufren de esta enfermedad se les hace complicado relacionarse con las demás personas y casi siempre la desarrollan por un evento traumático en su pasado que los arrastro hasta ese punto, no es algo que se busque, ni que se quite haci de fácil.

Having anxiety means fighting against your mind every day, fighting against overthinking absolutely everything, not only about yourself but also about your environment, and that destroys why? Because you don't think in a derogatory way towards people if you don't. towards yourself, in a certain aspect you denigrate yourself, you blame yourself for everything bad, even for what you have no control, sometimes panic attacks can occur, the world is not your enemy, your mind is, and that has no rest . Anxiety can present itself in different ways, forms and degrees, no matter the age, an 8-year-old child can have it, even a person over 50 years old.

Tener ansiedad, significa luchar contra tu mente todos los días, luchar contra el sobre pensar de absolutamente todo, no solo de ti mismo si no de tu entorno, y eso destruye ¿porque?, porque no piensas de manera despectiva hacia las personas si no hacía ti mismo, en cierto aspecto te denigradas, te culpas de todo lo malo, hasta de lo que no tienes control, a veces pueden dar ataques de pánico, el mundo no es tu enemigo, lo es tu mente, y eso no tiene descanso. La ansiedad puede presentarse de diferentes maneras, formas y grados, no importa la edad, un niñ@ de 8 años puede tenerla, hasta una persona mayor de 50 años.

And the truth is that the pain that anxiety causes is indescribable, it restricts you from enjoying many things in life and from relating in a healthy way with people, but also in certain aspects it is a kind of quite difficult test that the Life, we do not choose it but sometimes we have to face it, at our pace, at our time, learn about ourselves and in this way we will be able to truly know ourselves, by facing our fears, by healing our traumas, by understanding that not everything is in our control and we must let things flow and turn out as they should, love everything as it turns out, learn to let people go and that it is not our fault that they get out of our way, and above all embrace and love each other as we are.

Y la verdad es que el dolor que la ansiedad ocasiona, es indescriptible, te restringe de disfrutar muchas cosas de la vida y de relacionarte de manera sana con las personas, pero también en ciertos aspectos es una especie de prueba bastante difícil que nos coloca la vida, no la elegimos pero a veces nos toca enfrentarla, a nuestro ritmo, a nuestro tiempo, aprender de nosotros mismos y asi lograremos conocernos de verdad, al enfrentar nuestros miedos, al curar nuestros traumas, al entender que no todo está en nuestro control y debemos dejar que las cosas fluyan y salgan como tengan que ser, amar todo como salga, aprender a dejar ir a las personas y que no es culpa de nosotros que se vallan de nuestro camino, y sobre todo abrazarnos y amarnos como somos.

Anxiety can sometimes be a mirror of our shortcomings and what we must deal with in ourselves, it is up to us to fill ourselves with courage and face it, not with fist and sword, but with understanding, love and wisdom, the people who People who suffer from anxiety are fighters since it is not easy to face their own mind every day and without rest, but that fight will not be prolonged, since when we make the decision not to let ourselves be defeated by it, the distance to travel becomes less painful. , we should never discredit what we feel and think.

La ansiedad a veces puede ser un espejo de nuestras carencias y de aquello que debemos de tratar en nosotros mismos, queda de nuestra parte llénanos de valentía y enfrentarla, no con puño y espada, si no con compresión, amor y sabiduría, las personas que sufren de ansiedad son luchadoras ya que no es fácil enfrentarse a su propia mente todos los dias y sin descanso, pero esa lucha no se alargará, ya que cuando tomamos la decision de no dejarnos vencer por ella, el tramo a recorrer se hace menos doloroso, nunca debemos desprestigiar lo que sentimos y pensamos.

One of the best therapies to deal with anxiety in my opinion is to listen to music, do yoga and always talk to ourselves beautifully, it is not easy at first, anxiety also goes hand in hand with negativity, if we manage to overcome those negative thoughts it is little Little by little the anxiety will be overcome.

One of the best therapies to deal with anxiety in my opinion is to listen to music, do yoga and always talk to ourselves beautifully, it is not easy at first, anxiety also goes hand in hand with negativity, if we manage to overcome those negative thoughts it is little Little by little the anxiety will be overcome.

My respects to people who have anxiety, to those who fight with their mind every day and do not give up for anything, they are true warriors 🫶🏻✨♦️⚔️

Mis respetos a las personas que tienen ansiedad, a aquellas que luchan con su mente todos los días y no se rinde por nada, son unos verdaderos guerreros 🫶🏻✨♦️⚔️

Thank you for reading my post and coming this far, I hope you liked it, see you next time!

Gracias por leer mi post y haber llegado hasta aquí, espero les halla gustado¡hasta la próxima!



Greetings! You are right that many people still don't understand people with anxiety disorders, although nowadays there is much more information on this subject. People usually use the word anxiety for anything, but real anxiety goes far beyond that, it is terrible and destroys lives. Therapy will always be the best option for them, it is easier to work on ourselves than to try to change the world, and right now the world is so revolutionized, it is easy to fall into various disorders. I really liked your reflection, I hope it is not your personal case, but if so, I wish you the best and a lot of peace for you and yours 🙏

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