Should I Call It Fate?

in #hive-12615210 months ago

"Most times, things happen for a reason" These were the thoughts that were going through my mind as I thought of the escapade of my life few months back.

Sitting on my couch, reading a book, it was actually my notebook. The urgency to stay on top of my lectures weighed on me, pushing me to focus. As I immersed myself in my studies, a sudden flashback jolted me. It barged into my thoughts uninvited, refusing to be ignored. Like a vivid scene replaying before my eyes, it made me pause and reflect, it got me pondering on how my actions paved the way for me and also taught me a lesson.

On a Monday morning, the morning sun was rising slowly casting its glow on my window. I woke up feeling kind of stressed, my head ached," what happened last night" I asked myself. Oh? I drank a lot. Now wait, don't rush into judgement. I'm not an alcoholic and I never will be. I got so excited from my sister's birthday celebration last night that I drank too much. Of course, I walked home by myself. I wasn't tucked at the back by anyone.

Should I get up or should I relax some more? "Another act of relaxation will lead to you waking up by 9:00 a.m. in the morning." This was a second thought on my mind. Well, HELLO MONDAY! Here I come. I got up with some positive energy for the day because I knew that a sprinkle of positivity would set the tone for a week brimming with optimism.

Of course I work from home, but still I predicted that my day was going to be stressful as I have work to take care of and deliver before the end of the day.

I can feel my head spinning, my fingers aching from long hours of typing on my laptop. Goodness! I think I need a break. "A bit of stretching might do the trick," I murmur to myself. Rising from my chair, I indulge in a few yoga poses, hoping to soothe the knots in my back. Then, on a whim, I decided to go for a ride. It's my go-to, especially when I need to shake off worries or simply breathe.

I rode my bike down the highway, accelerating, letting the wind weave its enchanting whispers around me. The stress seems to dissipate with every passing mile. It's a remedy you ought to experience sometime but please don't over speed.

As I geared up to kick-start my bike, a man, likely in his late 40s, approached me. He politely requested a ride. Contemplation danced in my thoughts – a myriad of uncertainties crossed my mind. Was he a disguised thief, or perhaps something else? Despite these musings, a warmth welled up within, prompting me to give him a ride. He explained he needed to reach the nearest bus stop urgently. His car had broken down, and waiting for repairs wasn't an option. After a moment's hesitation, I decided to embark on this impromptu journey. Observing his build, I briefly wondered if he might be too heavy for the ride, but I dismissed the concern.

Arriving at the bus stop, he expressed his gratitude, sharing the urgency of an appointment he couldn't miss. I headed back home.

The next day at school, I was on my way to get a written note from my head of department so he could give me some time to pay my tuition fees. I can beat my chest to say that education is definitely not for the weak.

Under the blazing sun, beneath the wigs crowning my head, it felt like a circus was performing up there. The stress of the day, the scorching sun, and the knot in my stomach over unpaid tuition fees had my head doing somersaults. I had no time to waste as the promotional exams were around the corner and I needed to pay up my tuition fees before I could take my exams.

GOSH! you should have seen how life was for me trying to balance education and work. It can be stressful and frustrating most times.

After I spoke with the head of department, I was on my way coming out of the office when I bumped into someone, quickly I apologised and was about to leave, Suddenly, there was a gentle tap on my back, and a voice referred to me as "Bike Lady." Surprised. Wow! who knows me by that name and beside my name isn't Bike Lady. I turned and looked at the person behind me, I quickly recognised him and officially greeted him. He asked me to grab a cup of coffee with him. Which I gladly agreed to because I needed to ease up some stress.

After some official talk which was quite interesting, he was grateful for the support I gave to him a few months back and he said he was going to support me in whatever I do. I was grateful but at the same time, I didn't want to get my hopes high. when I heard the word SUPPORT because I needed money.

Shortly after our talk he asked for my account details which I gladly gave him, immediately I received a huge credit alert that was twice the money I needed to pay for my tuition fees. I wish I could shout, trust me, I really wanted to dance around but Hey Girl, Composure! I thanked him with my face beaming with smiles.

As I stared into the air motionlessly, my books waiting for me to pick it up, I thought to myself "Was he God sent maybe he was." Somehow I do believe that my actions prompted his actions too. Imagine if I had ignored him on that day he needed my assistance, if I left him because I thought he weighed so much more than I do because of his physical build, maybe I wouldn't have gotten the help I did and probably he would have painted a negative picture of me.

Well, I was grateful that I did what I thought was right.

Image attached is mine unless otherwise stated.


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