Picture per day. Lilac girl

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Picture per day. Lilac girl

"No preamble today" — none

Lately, my efforts to create posts with lots of letters and photos have been falling short of the desired results. So I decided to relax a bit and go with the flow...
Why not post on this great community.
Sometimes one photo is better than twenty.
Today I present a photo of a lilac girl, or rather a woman, against the backdrop of a blue brick mall. I think it's cute, don't you?

That,s all for today.

Stand by

Sincerely yours






$PIZZA slices delivered:
@barski(5/5) tipped @mister-omortson

I totally understand you, it's hard to keep up, it's hard to post a lot of photos with a lot of text every day, sometimes you have to take it easy.
The editing of the photo is interesting!

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I used to be into negative photography, it was funny. Interesting take on the negative! :)