As I was driving deeper and deeping into the city of Eindhoven to reach the city centre, the sky started to change more and more. Not in a way of that there are some kinds of 'hints' of colour in the sky.
Now the sky was lighted more purple than you would ever imagine. This is not the Northern lights heading into the Southern country all of a sudden. This also isn't the aliens coming and this also isn't the newest version of the lighting festival that had just started or something.
There is literally no filter over this snap, this is really how purple the sky was.
So what is it?
I wasn't the only person wondering what the hell was going on here. And then I found this article on which explains it all a bit more. (PS: if you havent used for opening articles behind a paywall, you are totally missing out on something)
In the heart of the city of Eindhoven there is soccer stadium belonging to the club PSV. They have started using these purple lights for the grass inside the stadium to make the new grass sprout faster. As they say these purple lights should have a lot better results on letting the grass grow, and it is also a lot cheaper in energy.
These lights are not on all night. They are turned on in these dark days but also are shut down at night. But when it is dark early here (17.30 it is pitch black at the moment) and a bit foggy, that is when you can see the lights really good and even from a distance.
So yeah, I can imagine when it is not foggy and it is later on the evening that you will not be able to this, so this was a lucky shot. I do wonder however how life at that moment is when you are living in one of these skyscrapers?
Regardless...the city of Eindhoven remains an innovative one, and I like these kinds of experiments.