Dendrobium Update and Some Other Stuff

in #hive-1277883 years ago


Pressed For Time ..

Lately I have felt the pressure and free time is at a bare minimum, making it harder and harder to post with any consistency. Not big deal though, because I will always find some time somewhere in my day to shoot out a few lines on a topic that I have been thinking about. I know we all have gone through and some going through this very same thing. It's just part of juggling work, home life, family time and our hobbies. There will always be times when not everything fits into a 24 hour day.

Poor Molly ..

I was thinking about Pepper this morning, after watching Molly have a seizure close by to his ashes. She fell over on to the floor, after coming inside from morning duties, and began convulsing and yelping. It's been a week since her last episode. Right now we are probably averaging one per week. Poor girl.. it just breaks my heart.

I started to say that I was thinking about Pepper.. And that made me think of the Orchids, which led me to walk over to the center island, where we keep our new Dendrobium Silver King Orchid. You may remember a post not all that long ago where I was excited about her joining our family.

Another Orchid Update ..

The Dendrobium orchid is doing well. We decided to keep her on the center island in our kitchen, for now. Maybe we will find a better more suitable spot for her after a bit, but right now she likes it on the island. There are two new shoots sprouting up from her base as well! This makes me think she is very comfortable in this spot, and man do those shoots grow fast!



I'll grab a better and clearer shot of the shoots a bit later and drop it below here





The Flowers ..

The flowers are awesome! I love these flowers and the more I really just sit and stare at them, absorbing the little fine details, the more I fall in love with them. The petals are quite wispy and pointy. I like the speckles of purple that light up the outer edges of the petals, especially the top two petals of each flower. The centers are a bit more saturated with the purple, with a touch of yellowish green in the middle.

I also think that they appear to be in flight. The top petals look like wings of a bird to me, flapping in the wind.



There are three flowers in total. One is hiding behind these two.


We lost a few leaves already, but nothing to worry about. This is all normal and par for the course. As the sprouts grow, the leaves will naturally die back and fall off.


I can't wait to see my first new flower shoot. I will be looking for one and will let you know if that happens, when it happens!

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!


All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.


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The Orchid Lovers Community

A place for people who Love Orchids!

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Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the curation and thank you for suggesting my post for curation @ewkaw 😁

I always think those are irises when I first see them, but then I remember who is posting and I know that can't be the case because it is you. It is interesting how different the blooms can be between the different styles of orchids. I am guessing at some point there was some kind of cross breeding happening or something. Don't feel too bad about being so busy lately. I have notice that engagement has been down quite a bit this past week, so you might not be missing too much!

Here Ya Go... 😊 Took this shot last year. Can't wait till they bloom again.


I like my Orchids! There is a lot of cross breading and genetic manipulations that happen. The world of Orchids is crazy really.. Much like irises 😁

Very nice! Thanks for sharing the shot. Irises have always been my favorite flower. I gotta tell you though, I am starting to appreciate orchids! :)

One day you may own one. If I ever make it out your way, I'll bring one as a gift along with some of that Hershey's Chocolate Yuengling 😁 Then you'll have an Orchid!

That would be awesome. I will likely kill it though... I had the chance to have some of the Hershey's Yuengling the other day. A co-worker gave me a couple of bottles. It was pretty good!

I can drink about one of them (well, I could pre-covid.. still don't have a taste for beer or whiskey as of now). Anymore than one was too much.

I got two and I spread them out across a couple grilling sessions. I have some of the Yuengling Black and Tan that I have been drinking as well when I fire up the grill. That is probably one of my favorite cold weather beers. That and the Atwater Vanilla Java Porter.

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They are gorgeous! They really do look like they are ready to take off! I have found that when a plant is flourishing, it has found its home. Don't move it. :) I know - you know.

You may not remember The Flying Nun with Sally Fields, but, those flowers look like the habits they wore!

Poor Molly! Give her a hug for me. That is painful to watch. :( I'm so sorry, Brad. What did the Vet say?

Time is never my own. Still looking to buy some more. Thanks for the beauty!

I'll give Molly a big hug from you. She sure gets a lot of those. lol. It's sad, but she keeps plugging away! It takes some time for her to regain her awareness and movement, but she does and acts like nothing has happened. The vet says they can not do anything until they get closer together and that there is the possibility that one of these times she will die during the episode.

We really are not sure if they are seizures or syncope episodes. They appear to be more seizure like rather than the heart stopping. She does have a pretty noticeable and worsening heart murmur too. I know, she has a lot of problems.

We could of bought a nice cheery red, foreign sports car with the amount of money we have spent on her.. But the pleasure would have been empty compared to what she has given us over the years. She is loved deeply, so what will be will be.

Not moving the orchid, but she does need a better pot. She wants something nicer than the plastic one it came home in. Hahaha.. I used to watch The Flying Nun and you're right! Looks just like one of those hats. Nice spot!

Poor Molly! Is it the breed or just bad luck? I know what you mean about the cost of the vet and treatments, but you are right. You just can't put a price on love.

She does deserve a better set of duds, for sure. something that won't take away from her beauty. :) You grow the best orchids! I have never seen anyone have so many and have them all do so well!

Sister Bertrille! Indeed! I loved that show. :)

Some of her issues are breed related but mostly just bad luck. Addison's Disease and the heart condition is just bad luck. Thanks for the love @dswigle 😊