On this occasion I will give photography of flowers in the forest. I was looking for some uniqueness in this forest and while searching I found this flower. The forest actually has lots of beautiful wildflowers and lots of mushrooms.
This type of plant is the name flower (Lantana camara) in my village where this plant often grows in the forest. Rarely do people plant it as an ornamental plant because such plants are like shrubs. However, this plant has tremendous uses and benefits.
In addition to its beautiful flowers this plant can be used as medicine, such as; Wounds and food poisoning can stop bleeding in people with cervical cancer.
This plant has a hairy and thorny stem and is about 2 meters long. The leaves are also leathery, the flowers have a distinctive aroma, and the plant colors vary, such as white, pink, yellow, orange, and black bunny fruit that shines when ripe.
Despite being the fruit of a wildflower, the Lantana camara fruit is edible and has a sweet taste.
I can tell you all about the wildflowers I found today and I hope you all like them and these pictures I took using my own phone camera.