Family Trip To the Monterey Bay Aquarium Part 2

in #hive-1277882 years ago


This is part 2 of my visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Part 1 can be viewed here. Jelly Fish are such unique creatures, and the closes things we have to alien life. Considering where they live, they might as well be considered just that. The deep ocean is a whole other world. Walking through the MBA Jelly Fish tanks is like walking through a portal to another dimension. Something that I hope this post takes you as well, but no way can pictures do them justice. It is something you need to experience for yourself. We can try though. Sit back, and come take a walk with me.....

Purple-striped jelly
(Chrysaora colorata)

Maybe my favorite part of the MBA!. Viewing these creatures up close can be a life altering experience. Almost psychedelic like. There shape seems to flow, and morph with he current of the water. What is just as amazing is the fact humans have been able to keep these creatures alive in an artificial environment! Something that I did not know, until I was looking up some info for my post the other day. Is the biologists of MBA have pioneered the animal husbandry of jellyfish. That piece of info can be viewed here, and more facts about the Jelly can be viewed here.

Pacific Sea nettle
(Chrysaora fuscescens)

Did you know that Jellies do not have brains, bones or teeth? Only about 5% of it's body is mass, while the rest is water!

Crystal jelly
(Aequorea victoria)

These remind me of stringed Xmas lights. Under the lighting they have in the tanks, they give off such a cool glow!

Cross jelly
(Mitrocoma cellularia)

Ok reality check, kids going crazy at this point! lol. The room is dark, and it is easy to get lost looking at these spectacular creatures. Dad duties never stop.

Comb jelly

Moon jelly

Sorry for the picture, it was hard to take, whatever kind of jelly this is, it is small! They look a lot like Tadpoles don't they? Apparently new species of Jelly Fish are constantly being discovered! Check out this one here

Jellies can be seen in schools to protect themselves from predators

Which one of these where your favorite? Please let me know in the comments. There where so many more, I just had my hands full. I will make sure to take more next time, and have some different info for you all. Or you can just come, and visit yourself. Make sure to bring the kids, or maybe just your lover. This town is perfect for either;)

All pictures are mine. I used this website here for the names of the Jellies.


I like jellyfish but not when I go swimming. but are beautiful beasts to see

I would freak out if I saw one swimming! Lol thanks for checking out my post:)

dope jellies


These shots are so cool. The jellyfish are on of my favorite things to watch at our aquarium here.

Thanks man! So cool there are many more places that have Jellies now

Its so weird to think I used to live and work right down the street from there. Only went a few times though, but it was well worth it each time.

How have ya been man?

Hey bro! I’ve been good. My 3rd son is due any day now. Still in same apartment though lol.

I’m thinking we can stay for at least 2 more years before we need a bigger spot. Which is the case already, but you know how it is here. How are you?

Been good man, working my ass off to make sure we have a bright future in web3. IceBreak-R has been coming along and just waiting for the moon so I can retire lol