Nature’s spontaneous meditation cave on the south coast of Africa

in #hive-127788last year

I want to share with you some of nature’s most beautiful faces. She truly is a wonder and a glorious creation by the great creator of the universe. Something this beautiful obviously has an intelligence, a super-intelligence and an overarching consciousness, one that has manifested you and I and all of nature around us in the universe. My little stretch of the planet is situated on the southernmost shores of Africa, and it looks like paradise to me.


Even now in winter, the sunshine is awesome on most days and I can spend hours just roaming along the vast empty stretch of coastline. And I’m not the only one who finds this face of nature to be beautiful. The original Portuguese sailors who passed by here several hundred years ago, around the 16th century, named this particular bay Bahia Formosa, which literally means “the beautiful bay”. And so it is, all year long.


Today it is known as Plettenberg Bay, and makes up the topmost crowning gem of a longer stretch of coastline called the Garden Route. You can find it on the map and might like to visit one day, if you are keen to experience the beautiful hotspots of the planet. This is one of the best.


I managed to return to one of the sweetest spots along this coastline recently, where the deserted beaches stretch for miles. The rock formations that jut out of the shallow warm Indian ocean make for some epic sculptures, carved by the elements over thousands of years. One of the most curious places is this awesome little cave structure that occurs right at the water’s edge.


Each time I visit it throughout the year, it appears slightly different due to the fact that the sand is shifted by the tides. It thus sometimes appears deeper and sometimes also rockier as the soft sand is washed away and the smooth rounded stones are revealed underneath for a while. Then the seasons shift and the tides along with them, and the soft white sand is washed back up to cover the stones again.


I have noticed this by visiting this little hidden beach at different times of the year on my travels along this southernmost stretch of the African coastline. Here are some detailed close-up views of this epic meditation cave where I can sit in stillness for hours, with little chance of seeing another human. My meditation allows me to still the mind, tap into a calm and peaceful state of consciousness and thus become empowered with good mental, and subsequently, physical health.


All I hear is the constant and rhythmic washing up of the ocean water as the tide sways it to and fro under the influence of the lunar gravity. In fact we are all under the influence of the lunar gravity at all times, whether we realize it or not, since the solar system, and all of us in it, are connected by proximity.


Even the sun, which is millions of miles away, also affects us all on a daily basis. Not only by its heat and light but also by the solar radiation from sun spot flares on the sun’s surface. The solar winds or radiation is discharged from the sun and flows toward earth sometimes, causing not only Aurora light refractions in our atmosphere at the poles, but also causes effects upon our consciousness as human beings.


These EMPs or electromagnetic pulses originate from the sun and can trigger shifts in our earth’s atmosphere that affect radio signals and electronic gear, and also effect us, since we are nothing more than electromagnetic beings too. Nature is thus interconnected via gravity, magnetism and electricity, both locally and cosmically. So when you feel weird moods sometimes, it might actually be due to external factors like geomagnetic and solar pulses taking place.


To mediate these sometimes disturbing effects upon our consciousness, it helps to find a cave, and to sit quietly in a meditative frame of mind, simply stilling the busy thoughts that are generated by the mind, sometimes automatically like a program without our even desiring it. And this little cave on the shoreline of the south coast of Africa, is just the ideal spot for the aspiring yogi and meditator to find themselves and awaken higher states of consciousness, which are available to us all if we so choose.

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(photos my own)


Another one of my favourite places in SA

We are so fortunate to be here, despite all the other things we deal with in SA. At least the setting is beautiful.

That is very true.

Nature is in constant motion; change, the waves, the everlasting movement of it all.

This is such a stunning place; living along the coast I am familiar with similar places. It is really good for one’s soul or being to sit in these caves or just on the beach. It is food for the soul and mind.

Thank you for sharing this!

Well said Phil, we're on the same page and the same coastline it seems. The constantly shifting eternal moment is more easily perceived when in a zone like this.

So true. It is almost like the body and soul know to search for these areas. It comes to us as "usual" or "norm" to just reside in dwellings (towns, cities, homes) but before these semi-permanent dwellings, nature had none of these places. We were essentially all nomads; and places like the coast with its beautiful yet always changing scenery had something special to them which the old nomads knew.

Fully true. I sometimes meditate on the ancient Koi bushmen who used to roam along these Cape coasts.

I envy their knowledge of nature and the environment! I try to meditate and imitate that in my own garden which I have indigenized.

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