Squirrel looking for food
There are squirrels living in a nearby park. There are some pine groves in the park. I know where you can see squirrels more often, this is their habitat.
Yesterday during a walk I was lucky enough to capture a squirrel. The color of the squirrel's fur has already changed to winter. She is so cute isn't she?
Squirrels are very tame animals, especially those who permanently live in urban areas. Often, they are already used to people. The squirrel knows that he will be given a tasty meal.
Locals have made special feeders not only for birds, but also for squirrels.
There are nuts in the feeder - a squirrel's treat!
Although it seems that another squirrel was here before her and ate some nuts.
The squirrel ate the rest of the nuts and jumped to another tree.
Ah-ha-ha! I followed him. 😂
You know that squirrels eat almost all plant foods. The animal needs nuts, chestnuts, acorns, mushrooms, seeds, apples.
Squirrels collect mushrooms themselves and dry them on tree branches. Of course, you don't see that in an urban environment;
The squirrel ran through all the trees where he hid his supplies.
Camera: Camera: Sony α7 III
Software: Lightroom
Original photos by @leylar
Take care and all the best!