The Bulbul belongs to a family of birds called passerines.
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Song birds such as Rabies ,sparrows, larks and cuckoos also belong to the passerine family. There are about 130 species of Bulbul found across the world. The Bulbul eats fruit, seeds and small insects. Some if its species can hunt small frogs and mice. It is a social bird that flies in flocks.
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The Bulbul has soft feet like sparrows, but they are fairly elastic and help the bird to Perce on tree branches with ease
The female lays 2 to 5 eggs between June and September. The mother hatches these eggs for 11-14 days. At the time of birth, the chicks look like a sparrow babies and are without feathers. After two weeks, feathers begin to grow and they start making short flights.
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Almost all species of bulbul communicate with each other by letting out whistle like or coo cooing sounds. The average life span of bulbul is 10 years.