in #hive-1277888 months ago

As usual, last weekend I spend going through the Czech mountains, Jeseníky. To be precise, it was sunny Sunday. I finished my hiking adventure at Pecný mountain (1330m), enjoying sunset towards Šumperk direction. I could not wish better weather. However, believe or not, all of it could have been missed. I made it to the sunset just a couple of minutes before the sun actually went down. I was happy I made. It would not be my first time I have missed it. It's not always easy to do the mountain itinerary to fit to the minute.



...a zas na výšku. Půlka fotky nebe (a chemtrails :D) Co s tebou no, i tak jasný vítěz kola. Takže díky :)

Že by příště smolík? 😁

Anebo čtvereček?


Většina lidí má oči vedle sebe, nikoliv nad sebou, takže už jen z toho důvodu je pro nás přirozenější horizontální obraz, ale proti gustu... Já fotím na výšku jen to, co by se mi na šířku nevešlo (vysoké stromy, budovy apod.) Inu, sto lidí, sto spouští :)