Reptile and amphibian house🦎🐊/ Casa de reptiles y anfibios🧠

in #hive-1277882 years ago
A warm hug to my friends who love exotic animals! Today I came for a walk through Lisbon to visit the "Reptiliary" with the purpose of learning a little more about amphibians and reptiles, as well as being able to share my experience with you! This small facility is known because inside it houses a couple of the famous (Varanus komodoensis)... You probably don't recognize the scientific name... But it is the Komodo Dragon! So let's go on a little trip to the world of amphibians and reptiles!🐊🦎🧠

Un caluroso abrazo a mis amigos amantes de los animales exóticos! hoy me vine a dar un paseo por Lisboa para visitar el "Reptiliario" con el proposito de aprender un poco mas sobre los anfibios y reptiles, ademas de poder compartir mi experiencia con ustedes! esta pequeña instalacion es conocida porque adentro alberga una pareja del famoso (Varanus komodoensis)... Probablemente el nombre cientifico no lo debes reconocer... Pero es el Dragon de Komodo! vamos entonces a hacer un pequeño viaje sobre el mundo de los anfibios y reptiles!🙇‍♂️👨‍🏫👨‍💻

What is a house of "Reptiles and amphibians"👨‍🏫🌏/ Que es una casa de "Reptiles y anfibios"🙇‍♂️🦎🐊

These facilities have educational purposes and what they do is teach the general public everything about reptiles and amphibians, you can learn in these scientific spaces from the life cycle to their habitats, nothing better than interacting with animals physically to make us an idea of how fantastic they can be! For example, a land turtle holds the Guinness record for being the oldest reptile on the planet at 190 years old! In summary, if you have small children, I advise you to bring them to these places to teach them from a very young age about the preservation and care of the environment so that these prehistoric animals can live many more years!👨‍💻🦎🙇‍♂️🧠
Estas instalaciones tienen fines educativos y lo que hacen es enseñar al publico en general todo sobre los reptiles y los anfibios, podras aprender en estos espacios cientificos desde el ciclo de vida hasta sus habitats, nada mejor que interactuar con los animales en fisico para poder hacernos una idea de lo fantastico que pueden ser! como por ejemplo una tortuga terrestre tiene el record guiness al ser el reptil mas logevo del planeta con 190 años! en resumen si tienes niños pequeños te aconsejo traerlos a estos lugares para enseñarles desde muy pequeño sobre la preservacion y cuidado del ambiente para que estos animales prehistoricos puedan vivir muchos años mas! 👨‍🏫🐊🚩😱

The reptiles??🐊 / Los reptiles¿¿??🧠

These prehistoric animals have been on the planet for millions of years and their adaptations are unremarkable since they have an almost perfect morphology and anatomy! reptiles stand out from other group of animals by having a "shell" or a skin full of flexible scales! reptiles also have a very curious movement and that is that they drag their belly on the ground such is the case of snakes or turtles!👨‍🏫😱🐊🦎
Estos animales prehistoricos llevan en el planeta millones de años y sus adaptaciones son poco notables ya que tienen una morfologia y anatomia casi perfecta! los reptiles se destacan de otro grupo de animales por poseer un "caparazon" o una piel llena de escamas flexibles! los reptiles tambien tienen un desplazamiento muy curioso y es que arrastran su vientre en el suelo tal es el caso de las serpientes o las tortugas!🐸🐍🐍

they are more than 270 million years old🐊🦎

Reptiles are on our planet more than 250 million years old, despite having "scales" like "fish" their way of breathing is different while many fish breathe through gills, reptiles have pulmonary breathing and manage to hold their breath for a long time underwater, and for this we must study the turtle that can be 50 minutes underwater without coming out to breathe!😱🌏

Los Reptiles tienen en nuestro planeta mas de 250 millones de años, apesar de tener "escamas" como los "peces" su forma de respirar es diferente mientras muchos peces respiran por medio de branqueas los reptiles tienen respiracion pulmonar y consiguen aguantar la respiracion mucho tiempo debajo del agua, y para ello debemos estudiar a la tortuga que puede estar 50 minutos debajo del agua sin salir a respirar!📚

Reptiles are great hunters, most of them are carnivores, however there are herbivores and omnivores, snakes are the only reptiles that do not have "four legs", reptiles are not like us! They cannot regulate their body temperature, so they need the sun and that is why you often see these animals taking sunbaths to activate and speed up their metabolism! they are exotic animals and in cold countries they require a series of accessories including heat lamps!👨‍💻🙇‍♂️😱
Los reptiles son grandes cazadores en su mayoria son carnivoros sin embargo hay herbiboros y omnivoros, las serpientes son los unicos reptiles que no tienen "cuatro patas", los reptiles no son como nosotros! ellos no pueden regular la temperatura corporal para ellos necesitan el sol y por eso ves muchas veces estos animales tomando baños de sol para activar y acelerar su metabolismo! son animales exoticos y en paises con frio requieren una serie de accesorios incluyendo lamparas de calor!⛔🛑

They are animals that at a reproductive level do not care about the care of their young and motherhood and care is practically NULL! They are oviparous, that is, they are born from eggs, but throughout the planet the variation of environments and temperatures have led some reptiles to retain the eggs inside so that the young are born out of the shell! and this is an advantage because they are born with the ability to hunt!💥🥚🥚
Son animales que a nivel reproductivo no les importa el cuidado de sus crias y la maternidad y cuidado practicamente es NULO! son oviparos osea nacen de huevos pero en todo el planeta la variacion de ambientes y temperaturas han llevado a que algunos reptiles consigan retener los huevos dentro para que las crias nazcan ya fuera del cascaron! y esto es una ventaja porque nacen con la capacidad de cazar! ⛔👨‍🏫

Learning about its morphology👨‍🏫🌏/ Aprendiendo sobre su morfologia🙇‍♂️🦎🐊

You probably know these shells! they are from turtles, their origin is dermal, that is, they are formed from their "skin", and as they are made up of "bone and rings" they end up being quite rigid and it is difficult for a predator to break them! has been an evolutionary advantage of turtles for millions of years!🤔🤯
Probablemente conoces estos caparazones! son de tortugas, su origen es dermico osea se forman de su "piel", y como estan compuestos de "hueso y anillos" acaban por ser bastantes rigidos y dificilmente un depredador consigue romperlos! ha sido una ventaja evolutiva de las tortugas por millones de años!🛡🛡

If you are slow better protect yourself🐢🧠

Reptiles could be classified as (scaly) these have more than 3,000 described species, then we have the (turtles) that are unique because of their shell and have more than 300 species! then we have the curious (Tuátaras) with only two species on the planet! and we pass by the powerful crocodiles that have more than 20 species discovered!😱🌏

Los reptiles podrian clasificarse como (escamosos) estos cuentan con mas de 3mil especies descritas, luego tenemos las (tortugas) que son unicas por su caparazon y cuentan con mas de 300 especies! luego tenemos los curiosos (Tuátaras) con unicamente dos especies en el planeta! y pasamos por los poderosos cocodrilos que tienen mas de 20 especies descubiertas!📚

Crocodiles and snakes are only hunters and being carnivores as they cannot chew due to the design of their "jaws" they have to choose their prey! snakes do it through "scents using the chemistry of their tongue" and together with the animal's body temperature it makes a size selection! crocodiles can gobble up big chunks!👨‍💻🐊🐍
Los cocodrilos y las serpientes son unicamente cazadores y al ser carnivoros como no pueden masticar debido al diseño de sus "mandibulas" tienen que escoger sus presas! las serpientes lo hacen por medio de "aromas usando la quimica de su lengua" y junto a la temperatura corporal del animal hace una seleccion de tamaño! los cocodrilos pueden engulir trozos grandes!💥💥

I present to you the skeleton of a snake, as you can see, unlike us, they have many vertebrae that practically confer protection to their internal organs, some snakes use constriction to kill their prey, basically suffocating them with the pressure exerted by their muscles! On top of those vertebrae is a powerful muscular system.💥💥
Te presento el esqueleto de una serpiente como puedes ver a diferencia de nosotros ellos tienen muchas vertebras que practicamente le confieren proteccion a sus organos internos, algunas serpientes utilizan la constriccion para matar a sus presas basicamente las asfixian con presion que ejercen sus musculos! encima de esas vertebras hay un poderoso sistema muscular. 🦾🦾

Finally👨‍🏫🌏/ Por ultimo🙇‍♂️🦎🐊

Reptiles that are insectivorous have an advantage... Their tongue!!! the tongue in these animals is normally long and allows it to catch prey at long distances, such is the case of chameleons! but then there are some lizards that are too fast and catch flies with their tongues! finally herbivores are very few in number and only feed on plants! like for example the iguana!👨‍🏫🐊🦎
Los reptiles que son insectivoros tienen una ventaja... Su lengua!!! la lengua en estos animales normalmente es larga y le permite atrapar presas a largas distancias tal es el caso de los camaleones! pero luego hay algunas lagartijas que son demasiado rapidos y con su lengua cazan moscas! por ultimo los herbiboros son muy pocos numerosos y solo se alimentan de plantas! como por ejemplo la iguana!🐊👨‍🏫🤯


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The post is a combination of my knowledge as a Biologist and a mixture of the information provided by the web (catycan), direct quotes are used: ""🤔👨‍💻

The cover letter design is NOT my property and the font is written below the text⛔⛔


Thanks for sharing @oscurity even if am a little bit scared to see the reptiles.

Su post ha sido valorado por @ramonycajal


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I haven’t been to a reptile place for quite a while. Therefore, thanks for the tour, the amazing explanations (I didn’t know a turtle could hold its breathe for 50 minutes!), and the excellent pictures!

By the way:

This small facility is known because inside it houses a couple of the famous (Varanus komodoensis)... You probably don't recognize the scientific name... But it is the Komodo Dragon!

Ahaha. Actually I did recognise its name ;)

Have a nice end of the week!

Animals or reptiles like this must be protected, considering that their habitat has been reduced, even some types of them (one of them are turtles) that live in the forest (not amphibians) which we rarely see nowadays.

It's true as you said about introducing these animals to young children from an early age, because to be able to understand the animals that must be protected as they go through life later in life.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 124 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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