With October ending, I thought, “Shouldn’t there be some Halloween event at school?” But when I asked my daughter, she said she didn’t know. My partner just added, “The 31st is a holiday in our state, so probably not,” which I accepted casually. Then, on 29th, my daughter returned from school in tears, saying, “I wanted to be a witch, but I don’t have a witch’s hat!” 😅
Hats were easy to find at the craft store, but her black witch dress was one I had made back in her kindergarten days—and it had definitely become too short in both the sleeves and length already by last year. Luckily, the width still fit well, so I decided to add some lace at the hem and sleeves to make it work. That evening, we dashed to the craft store for the hat and lace, then headed to a local entrepreneur meetup where I had a presentation. Once back home, I set to work attaching the lace, enjoying a snack as I sewed.
The lace was a bit pricey, but it looked beautiful, and I couldn’t help but admire it as I stitched. Working with black fabric at night was challenging as I get older though ...
I must say, the final result turned out well! I spent a little while seeing the finished dress, taking photos and stepping back to look at it from a distance.
The next morning, my daughter woke up bright and early, wanting to add the finishing touch with nail polish and some Halloween glow-in-the-dark stickers 👻
I’m happy with how the lace details turned out. Juhuuuuu 🥳
She even posed while brushing her teeth—so I think she was pleased! It was definitely worth the late-night sewing session.
In my town, there’s a big Gothic festival every spring, and people from all over Germany come in fantastic, dramatic black-and-white outfits. I’ve thought about attending with my daughter since she was a baby, and maybe this costume is a little practice for that! For now, it was just adding lace to an old dress, but who knows?
Tonight, I’ll go to bed early 💤
Did you do anything for Halloween? I’d love to hear your stories!
私が住んでいる町では毎年春の終わりにゴシックフェスティバルが開催されて、白黒華やかでぶわっとした衣装を来た人たちがドイツ全土から大集合します。これにずっと親子で参加したいなあと子供が赤ちゃんの頃から考えていて、その衣装を作る予行演習だったのかも、なんて 😁 以前作ったワンピースにレースつけただけですが。
今晩は夜更かしせずに早く寝ようと思います 💤 みなさんハロウィン何かしましたか?どんな感じだったか読んでみたいです。