Once upon a time - a long, long LONG time ago...I started knitting a Celtic knotwork skirt that was inspired by a photo I found on Pinterest. Gosh Pinterest is terrible that way. Beautiful skirt, looked EVERYWHERE for a pattern for it, couldn't find one anywhere in English. Found a few references to it in other languages on various websites, but it was being kept a well guarded secret it seemed.
This skirt was started for a special occasion that never happened, but I made it my mission at the start of this year to finish all of my half started (half finished) knitting projects and this was the last one that has been sitting dormant. Kings and Queens have come and gone while this has been waiting for me to finish it - ok not quite THAT long but you get the idea.
I can't convey much about knitting this as it wasn't knitted from a pattern and I knitted it top down so the waistband and almost three quarters of the skirt I didn't write down, I did it as I went hahahaha. It became problematic when I needed to end the plaitwork because I didn't want it to reach all the way to the bottom of the skirt but I also wanted the ends to look like roots, so they were all finished unevenly. The last part I simply had to increase each segment equally as I knitted to give the skirt the flair effect which turned out much better than I anticipated. I added a small ruffle at the bottom by increasing 5 or 6 stiches in each segment every second row for 4 rows. I didn't want a massive ruffle, just a subtle one to give it an extra bit of flair.
Winter is still deciding when it's going to arrive here, it's been testing the water every now and again but hasn't settled yet so I think it will be a while before I'll be able to wear it comfortably. Considering I've never knitted a full length skirt before, this turned out pretty well.
What I used:
Double Knit economical wool called 'Charity' in Silver Grey
4mm circular needles
(I really dislike knitting with circular needles but I needed the length for this skirt)
Cable needle
(if you don't have a cable needle I've cut a wooden skewer shorter and sanded it smooth with waterpaper or sandpaper and it's worked perfectly)
This project took way too long to complete and I'm not sure if I would knit another full length skirt again but it feels SO good to have now emptied out my knitting bag. Now I can start accummulating all sorts of new knitting projects again.