Happy cama-saco de dormir para Mara 😺 Happy bed-sleeping bag for Mara.

in #hive-1279119 days ago


ꈤꍟꍟꀸ꒒ꍟꅏꂦꋪꀘ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꉣꍟ꓄!

¡Yuuupiiiii! Por fin llego el día esperado y lo mejor de todo es que para esta edición si pude llegar a tiempo.

Hacer detalles, manualidades para las mascotas en casa es muy bonito, es una manera de recompensarles un poco lo que ellos hacen por nosotros.

Pero antes de comenzar a contarles de esta manualidad me gustaria contarles un poco para los que recién llegan a Needleworkmonday, de quien es Mara en mi vida.

The long awaited day has finally arrived and the best of all is that for this edition I was able to be on time.

Making details, crafts for pets at home is very nice, it is a way to reward them a little for what they do for us.

But before I start telling you about this craft, I would like to tell you a little bit about who Mara is in my life, for those who are new to Needleworkmonday.


Mara era muy pequeña cuando la adoptamos, eso fue amor a primera vista. Recuerdo que una noche llegamos a casa de mi suegra despues de un viaje muy largo en plena navidad, cuando me fui al comedor la vi alli acurrucada en una ventana muy cerca de la cocina.

Yo quedé enamorada de una vez; la verdad es que durante muchos años me habia resistido a tener gatos, en cambio mi esposo toda su vida ha sentido pasión por los mininos.

Mara was very little when we adopted her, it was love at first sight. I remember one night we arrived at my mother-in-law's house after a very long trip in the middle of Christmas, when I went to the dining room I saw her there curled up in a window very close to the kitchen.

I was in love all at once; the truth is that for many years I had resisted having cats, but my husband has been passionate about cats all his life.


No es que no me gustaran los gatos, simplemente que en casa mis hijos y yo somos muy alérgicos y no queria empeorar la cosa con un animal que bota mucho pelo por todos lados.

En ese mismo instante la tomé entre mis brazos y comenté sobre lo bonito que era ella. De inmediato todos me dijeron que me la regalaban, que me la podía llevar. Mi esposo y mis hijos se alegraron y aunque yo no habia dicho que si ellos presintieron que por fin el sueño se podía hacer realidad.

It's not that I didn't like cats, it's just that at home my children and I are very allergic and I didn't want to make things worse with an animal that sheds a lot of hair all over the place.

At that very moment I took her in my arms and commented on how beautiful she was. Immediately everyone told me that they were giving her to me as a gift, that I could take her with me. My husband and my children were happy and even though I had not said yes, they sensed that finally the dream could come true.

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En esa cas le decían maléfica, porque según era traviesa, en cambio mientras más yo la observaba me parecía hermosa y tranquila. Pasaron los dias de navidad y tenía que tomar la decisión, me di ánimo y me dije: _ella no es tan peluda, no va a botar mucho pelo por la casa.

In that house they called her evil, because according to them she was mischievous, but the more I observed her, the more she seemed beautiful and calm. The days of Christmas passed and I had to make the decision, I took courage and said to myself: _she is not so hairy, she is not going to throw a lot of hair around the house.


Antes de decidir les pregunté a todos si estaban dispuestos a colaborar con el cuidado de la gatita y estuvieron de acuerdo. Asi que busque una caja, la metimos y me la traje a Caracas.

Por el camino mientras viajábamos buscamos nombres, jamás se me ocurriría llamarla maléfica, entre tantos nombres a mis hijos les gustó Mara y asi se quedó. Desde entonces hemos sido bendecidos con tenerla y todos le damos amor y la cuidamos mucho.

Before deciding I asked everyone if they were willing to collaborate with the care of the kitten and they agreed. So I looked for a box, put her in it and brought her to Caracas.

On the way while we were traveling we looked for names, I would never think of calling her evil, among so many names my children liked Mara and that's how she stayed. Since then we have been blessed to have her and we all give her love and care for her.


Happy cama saco de dormir para mascotas.

Desde hace mucho tiempo he intentado hacerle a Mara una cobija o cama para dormir y aunque he intentado varias veces la verdad es que siempre mis intentos fueron fallidos. El año pasado intente hacerle una choza o tipi indio pero fue un desastre, luego intente con camas y cuando la terminaba ya ella habia crecido.

Despues me di cuenta que le encanta meterse entre mis cobijas cuando estan desordenada o meterse dentro de una bolsa de mercado y quedarse alli quietecita, asi que s e me ocurrió hacerle algo parecido para que s asienta abriga, cómoda y en su ambiente.

Happy bed sleeping bag for pets.

For a long time I have been trying to make Mara a blanket or bed to sleep in and although I have tried several times the truth is that my attempts were always unsuccessful. Last year I tried to make her a hut or Indian teepee but it was a disaster, then I tried with beds and when I finished it she had already grown up.

Then I realized that she loves to get between my blankets when they are messy or get inside a market bag and stay there quietly, so I thought of making her something similar so she sits warm, comfortable and in her environment.


Modelos Tipo funda

El modelo fue sencillo, luego en otra publicacion les comentaré porque. Me gustó mucho por lo que les comenté anteriormente, además que al imaginarla con la tela Volver burbuja sabía que quedaría suave y delicada.


La tela volver burbuja es una de mis favoritas para las cosas de bebé, asi que de inmediato tomé un trozo que tenía en casa y dije _ ¡Esta es la tela precisa!

A Mara toda la vida le han encantado los colores claros, el blanco es su favorito; donde pongo cosas blancas alli se acomoda y duerme.

Models Type cover

The model was simple, later in another publication I will tell you why. I liked it a lot because of what I told you before, plus when I imagined it with the bubble back fabric I knew it would be soft and delicate.


Back bubble fabric is one of my favorites for baby stuff, so I immediately took a piece I had at home and said _This is the right fabric!

Mara has always loved light colors, white is her favorite; wherever I put white things, there she sits and sleeps.


Manos a la obra:

Corte la tela principal, tela volver burbuja y guata F-10 en una medida de 90x45 centímetros, esta vez la queria muy grande, prefería que me sobrara cama y no que me volviera a quedar chica.

Tome la tela principal, doble a la mitad y pase costura recta y zigzag por ambos laterales. En las esquinas que se forman dentro hice una costura para formar una bolsa.

Let's get to work:

Cut the main fabric, back bubble fabric and wadding F-10 in a measure of 90x45 centimeters, this time I wanted it very large, I preferred to have some bedding left over and not to be too small again.

I took the main fabric, folded it in half and sewed straight and zigzag seams on both sides. In the corners that form inside I sewed a seam to form a pouch.


Luego junte la guata y la volver burbuja e hice lo mismo. Pero sin las esquinas porque es muy difícil trabajar del lado de la guata, si gustas lo puedes hacer a mano esa parte, sino lo dejas asi ya que eso va por dentro.

Then I put the wadding and the back bubble together and did the same thing. But without the corners because it is very difficult to work on the side of the wadding, if you like you can do that part by hand, otherwise you can leave it like that since that goes inside.


Volteamos la bolsa de tela principal e introducimos dentro la bolsa de guata, acomodamos bien la boca de las bolsas para luego voltear dos veces y formar una abertura bonita y prolija, pasamos costura con la maquina o a mano. Yo lo hice a mano.

We flip the main fabric bag and introduce inside the wadding bag, we arrange well the mouth of the bags and then flip twice and form a nice and neat opening, we sew with the machine or by hand. I did it by hand.


Tips para que la gata se meta dentro del saco.

Principalmente se trata de no obligarla, si la forzas tendrás una gata molesta y en vez de tomarle cariño ocurrirá el efecto contrario.

Coloca la cama en algún sitio donde al gato le guste ir a dormir.

Si tienes algún objeto que al minino le guste déjaselo alli cerca.

Como ven amigos es muy bonita, sencilla de hacer. A Mara le gustó mucho, ayer luego de dos horas por fin se acercó al saco y se quedó en un sueño profundo.

Tips for the cat to get inside the bag.

Mainly it is not to force her, if you force her you will have an annoying cat and instead of being fond of her it will have the opposite effect.

Place the bed somewhere where the cat likes to go to sleep.

If you have some object that the kitty likes, leave it there nearby.

As you can see my friends, it is very nice and easy to do. Mara liked it very much, yesterday after two hours she finally went to the bag and fell into a deep sleep.


Aunque traté de tomarle una mejor foto fue imposible porque se metía muy dentro, asi que mientras dormía la trate de sacar un poquito con sumo cuidado para traerles hoy este resultado.

¡Bien amigos! Amantes de los felinos, como siempre es un gusto compartir con ustedes, gracias a la comunidad NeedleworkMonday por abrir estos espacios de cariño para esos seres peludos que nos hacen la vida FELIZ.

Although I tried to take a better picture of her, it was impossible because she got too deep inside, so while she was sleeping I tried to take a little bit of her out with great care to bring you today this result.

Well done my friends! Feline lovers, as always it is a pleasure to share with you, thanks to the NeedleworkMonday community for opening these spaces of affection for those furry beings that make our lives HAPPY.


Imágenes tomadas con mi cámara celular Redmi Poco X3/ https://www.deepl.com/es/translator, separadores https://fondosdepantallaymuchomas.wordpress.com/

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Oh amiga me gustó conocer a Mara, es una gatica muy hermosa. Te quedó preciosa y muy cómoda la camita para Mara, qué bueno que le gustó 🤗

Congratulations on this project. This look really beautiful. I love it

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Aww Mara is so sweet! I'm glad you are able to have a cat without your allergies going crazy. I love her in her little sleeping bag!

My cat Yuan has a cloth crinkle bag, but he doesn't go in it, he sleeps on it. He isn't so much an under blankets kind of cat.


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vaya quedo perfecto, gracias por la idea a mi gatita le pasa igual y creo que tambien voy a acertar con un saco de dormir para ella.

Hermoso post, me encantó el saco, aunque a Mara le encantó mucho más. Felicidades a ambas.

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Mara is such a cool cat. You’re really kind for seeing a whole different thing when others were seeing an evil cat. This sleeping bag is just beautiful 😍

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Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

She is so cute and the bag you made is so beautiful and useful.Seems like she loved it too