Organizer baskets

in #hive-1279115 months ago

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Hola!!! El tiempo pasa volando y casi sin darme cuenta ha pasado mucho desde mi última publicación en esta comunidad.

En los días recientes he estado enfrascada en labores de costura. La máquina de coser exige mucho tiempo en posturas que dañan mis cervicales y por eso trato de no excederme, aunque me guste mucho lo que surge de ese esfuerzo.

Estoy redireccionando mi emprendimiento y esto supone la inclusión de textiles. Aprovechando montón de telas que tenía engavetada, y que al fin han encontrado su finalidad, he creado varios cestos organizadores.

La mayoría los hice pensando en los niños (son mi público preferido) para que guarden sus juguetes, aunque pueden tener muchos otros usos. También hay algunos un poco menos infantiles que pueden encontrar un rincón en cualquier hogar.

Los tejidos utilizados son fuertes y de buena calidad. Los interiores están hechos de moqueta, que les otorga cuerpo y a la vez los hace suaves al tacto.

Las piezas que componen el cesto son 2 rectángulos, uno de la tela escogida para el exterior y el otro de moqueta, se unen con una costura recta formando un cilindro. Después ambos cilindros se cosen por uno de los bordes y se viran enfrentando los reveses de los 2 tejidos. La medida de los rectángulos dependerá del tamaño deseado. En este caso la mayoría medían 96 x 35cm.

El fondo es un círculo, también de moqueta, con diametro de 32 cm. Este se une a ambos cilindros mediante una costura recta. Todos los cestos llevan 2 asas para facilitar su traslado. Las medidas finales del canasto oscilan en 30 x 30cm.

En algunos agregué elementos decorativos para hacerlos más atractivos. En ese aspecto no se limiten, dejen libre su creativida, aquí puede estar el sello que distinga su creación.

Está es mi propuesta para este lunes. Espero les guste y que se embullen a hacer sus propios organizadores de tela tan útiles, versátiles y fáciles de elaborar.

Hello!!! Time flies by and almost without realizing it, a lot has happened since my last post in this community.

In the recent days I've been involved in sewing. The sewing machine demands a lot of time in postures that damage my cervical and so I try not to overdo it, although I really like what comes out of that effort.

I am redirecting my enterprise and this involves the inclusion of textiles. Taking advantage of a pile of fabrics that I had in storage, and that have finally found their purpose, I have created several organizer baskets.

Cesto 02.jpg

Most of them were made with children in mind (they are my favorite audience) to store their toys, although they can have many other uses. There are also some a little less childish that can find a corner in any home.

Cesto 01.jpg

The fabrics used are strong and of good quality. The interiors are made of carpet, which gives them body and at the same time makes them soft to the touch.




The pieces that make up the basket are 2 rectangles, one of the fabric chosen for the outside and the other of carpet, are joined with a straight seam forming a cylinder. The two cylinders are then sewn together at one edge and turned to face the reverse sides of the two fabrics. The size of the rectangles will depend on the desired size. In this case most of them measured 96 x 35cm.



The bottom is a circle, also made of carpet, with a diameter of 32 cm. This is joined to both cylinders by a straight seam. All baskets have two handles for easy carrying. The final dimensions of the baskets are 30 x 30cm.




In some of them I added decorative elements to make them more attractive. In this aspect do not limit yourselves, let your creativity be free, this can be the seal that distinguishes your creation.



Cesto 03.jpg

This is my proposal for this Needle Work Monday. I hope you like it and that you get involved in making your own fabric organizers, so useful, versatile and easy to make.

All rights reserved on the text and images, which are of my authorship unless otherwise indicated. I use DeepL for translation because my English is very bad 🤭.

Derecho reservado sobre el texto y las imágenes, que son de mi autoría a no ser que indique lo contrario. Uso DeepL para la traducción porque mi Inglés es muy malo. 🤭


I seriously need on of this at home, hopefully, I can follow the process you shared in making yours. Very useful at home, thanks for sharing.

They are very practical and versatile. Unfortunately I didn't share a very clear step by step. I forgot to take pictures of each process. But it is very simple. You determine the size and cut 2 rectangles. You sew them separately forming 2 cylinders, one for the outside and one for the inside. Then you sew them together along one edge facing the right sides of the fabric and turn them inside out. Then measure the bottom round and divide the measurement you get by 3.14 (π value). This will give you the diameter of the bottom circle, to which you must add 2 cm for the seam. After cutting the circle you join it to the cylinders, here you will spend a little work, but you can. For the handles you cut 4 strips that correspond to the size of your basket, join them together and sew them as a stocking and sew them to the basket. I hope this explanation will help you. Saludos.

These are really beautiful and useful. Lovely organizers that will add light to our working table. You have really got some quality fabrics here and putting them to perfect use with such neat designs.
Thanks for sharing dear.

Thank you very much for your comment. I'm glad you appreciate my work. I really liked the result and I'm glad you did too. Best regards.

This is pretty and very neat. I’m going to try my best and remake this because it sure has cool functions and will help me keep my space more organized

They are really very practical. Sorry if I didn't leave a very clear step by step. In the reply to @glorydee's comment I left some clearer ideas. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I appreciate the support. Regards.

Alright, I’ll check them out

Madre míaaaa qué arteeeee 😅😍 - Amanda, con esa creatividad y el arte que tienes puedes volar tan lejos, pero tan lejos...

¡Lo decreto!

Jajajaja, sí Amanda, volaré bastante lejos. Casi 200km sobre la cordillera de Guaniguanico, hasta llegar a Sumidero...y debe ser pronto 🤣😜.


What a nice quality and strong material, I like it, you did a very nice and beautiful work, well done

Thank you very much. The fabrics are very good for these baskets, and they found their purpose 😌

Wow all these are lovely. Weldone dear

Oh, thanks. I'm glad you liked them 🥰

Saludos @mdrguez, que hermosas cestas, los colores están geniale.

Feliz lunes!

Hola!! Muchísimas gracias, me alegra que te gusten. Feliz lunes para ti también y una linda semana!

Que lindos cestos, la verdad es que me encantan este tipo de organizadores. Lucen muy lindos y resistentes. Gracias por compartir este proyecto con nosotros. Saludos!

Gracias 🥰. Son muy útiles en verdad. Gracias a ustedes por apoyar mi trabajo. Saludos y linda semana.

Take care of your back, don't overdo it but wow, how beautiful is everything you make. Super cute organizers 👏

Yes, they are very cool. My back is getting old....I mean tired 🤣

Super cute organizers

Muchas gracias 💚